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Third person pov:

********In London********

   The first prince was sitting in his library, reading and stamping on the authority papers.

     It's been a one day, when he send the letter to the kingdom of China. All these years, he never got the reply. But it didn't stop him sending the letter. He kept writing every 2 months hoping the princess would reply. He missed her deeply, it's been 8 years since they saw each other.

       8 years ago, when he visited to meet the princess, he was chased out saying that the princess was in poor health and can not meet anyone.

     This angered him, deeply and he was tempted to start a war between the two kingdom. But his father stopped him. After one year the news came, that the princess disappeared and no one can find her.

     As soon as he heard the news to went to find her, but there was no hope. It traumatized him, to not see his ray of sunshine again. And till now, his world is all darkness, he can't believe she disappeared.

"You Highness!" A frantic voice came from the hallway.

   The butler stumbled to the door of the library. With a letter in his shaking hand. I looked up and nodded for him to continue.

"I-its a letter from China" He shuttered. My eyebrows shot up. Could this be? I have been waiting for 8 years. My hand shook as the butler handed me the letter.

  I walked my hand to tell him to go out.

I slowly opened the letter.

It was written in the Royal card. It must not be from her.

He took out the letter and started to read it.

To the  first prince of London

           Your highness, I have written this letter to let you know about the truth behind princesses disappearance.

        8years ago there was a attack in China and princesses life was at stake.
The king and the queen thought it would be safe to send the princess, somewhere , where no one can identify her.

       We had to do this quickly and quietly, so we had to make up the act. That the princess was sick and bed ridden. We  deeply apologize, for the years you have suffered because of princesses disappearance.

    This years is her coronation year, she is turning 18 and finally coming home, after 8 years. I hope you will accept our invitation and come to celebrate our princesses coronation with us.

Blessings from the king and queen of China.

Message from the queen:
If you want to come to help in preparation. You can come earlier. She is going to reach China next Monday.

(Today is Monday in the book)

Hope to see you soon.
Your highness.

   She is alive....

   He will get to see her again...

    Unnoticeable tears left his eyes as he looked at the invitation.

     He couldn't belive him self. 8years , he waited for her and she is now coming back to him, finally. His bluebell is coming back.

   He felt like jumping and squealing like a girl, his heart was dancing and butterflies exploded in his stomach. His wiped his tears with his napkin and ran to the butler, who was outside the door and hugged him.

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