Two - Nadia

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Chapter Two


  "That's your fifteen," Angelo's deep voice announced through the headset. That wasn't what Nadia wanted to hear. They had yet to breach the lower levels of the warehouse and they were quickly running out of time.

  Not a single thing had gone right for them since the moment they had made it to the factory. Their van had been ambushed upon arrival, their driver had gone down shortly after and there were far more men on the site than originally anticipated. All of them had made it in unscathed, but that didn't win back the precious moments she knew had been lost. Moments they could have made it to the lower level of the damn factory.

  "Shit, that was quick," Luca grumbled echoing everyone's thoughts exactly.

  The assassin had been separated quickly from the rest of them once they entered, divide and conquer being deemed the best option to travel through the building even if it was proving useless so far.

  Nadia wasn't naive, she knew the likelihood of Jade being in the warehouse was impossibly low, that wasn't why she was pushing so hard. There were two real reasons she agreed to this idea. The first was to weed out the rat in their midst, to figure out if Nico really was the one to blame. So far, his innocence seemed proven simply by the fact he knew nothing of this plan and they were still ambushed. That alone tightened the circle of who it could be. The second reason was to figure out why Ivan figured this would be the spot to draw her out of hiding.

  Nadia continued to push on, switched off to her team's almost constant chatter through her earpiece. There was no time for complaints, no time for concerns, only getting in and out as swiftly as they could with as many answers as they could. Her focus was on figuring out why Ivan would send them here at all. If he wanted her to reach the basement for some reason, that was where she needed to go. Right into the belly of the beast. Right into the trap laid out before them.

  "Dee you're closest to the stairwell, take the exit to your left then at the end of the hallway you should find the door to the lower levels," Lorenzo explained. "Boys I need you to make a clear exit now all of the other ways down are blocked off."

  "Si capo."

  "Nadia won't have a clear run if we are boxing them in," came Luca's level-headed response to the situation.

  The assassin shook her head. "I'll be fine."

  "No, Luca is right," Lorenzo decided, "Draw them out best you can to give her a clear run. Passerotta I need you to give us a moment so we can do so."

  "We don't have a moment, Leo," she ground out back to him, but complied nonetheless, tucking herself into what seemed to be a quality checking room.

  She whistled lowly, taking in the stacks upon stacks of produce scattered throughout the room before her. The laboratory space had been abandoned, everything left as if whoever had been in there had rushed to escape. Coke had been left on scales, waiting to be weighed out, there was still a half-lit cigarette on the side smoking away. Bottles and contraptions that Nadia didn't understand lined the far wall. It looked like a high school science lab gone wrong. "What in the breaking bad is this shit?" she muttered to herself. "Hey, Leo, if you need to expand your business any time soon, you've got more than enough in this room alone to start up."

  "If you think I'd be selling that low-grade shit, Dee you really don't know me at all," came his humour lined response.

  "Good to know you don't draw the line on hard drugs then," she chuckled in response, doing a circuit of the full room to check for any hidden surprises than any information she could get on what the hell Ivan was doing.

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