Open Up The Curtains

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Legoshi sat down on his bed, wondering what went wrong with his relationship with haru. How could she do such a thing? After all these years... Legoshi found out how she was cheating pretty easily, everytime she came back home from work she smelt funny, she was very protective over her phone, and she barely texts legoshi back anymore.

Unfortunately for legoshi, as he was driving back home he saw haru walking with a random guy in the middle of the night. Then, they kissed each other right as the light turned green. That was the last straw for legoshi, he quickly made his way back home, packing his things and leaving that awful apartment. He made sure he left a note on the door before leaving, it said: Have fun with your new and improved boyfriend, never speak to me again...

Legoshi was crying as he drove away from that apartment, his heart couldn't handle this much pain in one night. Thankfully, he found a cheap hotel he could stay at for a few days before finding a new apartment to live at for now on. Legoshi had an interesting job, he was a hair stylist. It was a good living for him, the job paid well and he made friends along the way. Jack heard all about the situation with haru and legoshi, Jack talked to him on the phone about the whole situation that day.

Jack knew how to cheer him up no matter what the situation was, legoshi was still hurt of course. Legoshi stared out the hotel window, seeing cars pass by... Tears started to form once again, it felt like a nightmare. The girl he thought he could trust just straight up cheated on him, with no explanation.

Was it his fault? Did he do something wrong? Was he not enough? All these questions ran through the wolfs mind but he knew it wouldn't be answered any time soon... He slumped back on his bed, looking at the ceiling.

"It'll be ok... I..."

Before he could say anything else, he broke down. This was becoming way to much for him, things needed to change quickly. But how?

3 Days Later...

"Finally done... My legs hurt now."

Legoshi got his new apartment, granted it wasn't as big as the last one. This one had, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a small living room, and a tiny kitchen next to it.

Better then nothing, now he has to get used to living alone. It was an awful feeling, at least he still has his past friends and his new friends to talk to. Legoshi sat down on his living room couch, scrolling through his phone, he removed haru from his contact list and blocked her number. It hurt to do that, but he had no choice. Legoshi scrolled down some more and found a familiar name.

"Louis? Hm... I wonder how he's doing, haven't talked to him in forever..."

Legoshi accidentally hit the call button, he stumbled his phone in his hands trying to hit the big red button to cancel the call... Unfortunately, Louis answered quickly.

"Ummm hello?" Louis said.

Legoshi took a deep breath before speaking. "H-Hello Louis, how have you been?"

His heart raced, something about Louis made him feel... Funny.

"... I'm fine, how's your relationship with haru going?"

Oof bad timing...

"It's... She cheated. " he mumbled.

Louis spit out his tea. "What?! Did I hear that correctly?!"


Louis was in shock, they were together since high school! He wasn't sure how to react, but he did feel a sense of relief? But why? He ignored that feeling, it's probably nothing anyways he thought.

"Well... Shit sorry to hear that, where are you now?"

Legoshi was shaking, he was about to have another breakdown.

"I'm... I'm... In my ne- new apartment..." He stuttered.

"Tell me your address, I wanna see how your holding up."

Legoshi proceeded to tell him where he was...

"Ok legoshi I'll be there soon, bye."

"Bye Louis..."

As he hung up the phone, legoshi finally broke down once again. He hates thinking about haru now, he wants her to leave his mind sooo bad.

Louis grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, Louis had a even more interesting job. He was the boss of a very popular bar. The bars name was: Solar Lights.

Louis was a bisexual deer, his bar mostly consists of gay men/woman/thems. It was lgbtq friendly, he took his job very seriously. He loved it, it was his safe place. He went in his car and started to drive off. It was dark out, he needed to get to his friend quickly.

He stopped at a red light and laid back into his seat. "But why would she? Maybe I can get some answers from him."

The light turned green, he continued driving. Legoshi wasn't far, so it wouldn't be a long drive. A couple minutes pass by and Louis pulls into a parking lot. He stepped out of his vehicle, looking up at the apartment buildings. He made his way up the stairs that led to different rooms.

"107... 107..."

He searched and searched and searched... Eventually he found his apartment.

*knock knock*

Legoshi wiped away his tears and got up from  the floor, he went to the door and opened it slowly.

"Hello legoshi..." Louis said.

"H-Hey... Here come in..." Legoshi whispered.

Louis walked into his new apartment, legoshi closed the door behind them, locking it.

"It's got that new apartment smell, looks nice legoshi."

Legoshi glanced over at Louis. "Thanks... It wasn't much but it should do..."

Louis went into the living room, he couldn't get over the nice smell of the apartment.

Legoshi went over to him.

"You look ruff... I wasn't trying to make a joke by the way..."

Legoshi looked at Louis, confused. "What was the joke supposed to be?"

"You know how dogs can like bark and ruff?" Louis felt embarrassed. "Nevermind."

Legoshi sat on the couch once again.

Louis followed, sitting next to him. "So... Why did she? You know, cheat? Do you know why?"

Legoshi shrugged, he was looking down at his feet and his ears were down the whole time.

"Guess she really didn't change since high school then..." Louis was thinking of ways to keep the wolfs spirits up. "Wanna take a couple shots?"


Word Count: 1068

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