This Is Why We Experiment

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⚠️Slight NSFW Warning!⚠️

"No problem legoshi, we have a variety of drinks to choose from. I know that you don't like drinking but I promise you that it'll be fine!" Durham said while leaning on the counter.

"I'll just take a... Pop."

"Ughhhh fine..." Durham opened the mini fridge and handed him a cherry coke. "Have fun getting 'wasted' bro."

Legoshi took a sip of the pop, it kinda burned his throat. It's been awhile since he's drank a pop, Louis couldn't help but smile at the wolf. He always looked funny when he's nervous.

Legoshi looked over at the smiling buck. "What?"

Louis turned his attention away from the panicked wolf. "Nothing."

It wasn't just nothing of course, legoshi awkwardly sat on the stool that was next to the counter.

"Legoshi, I know that your nervous but I promise you there is nothing to worry about!" Louis said.

Legoshi didn't respond, he was lost in his mind once again. Haru still hasn't left his mind, what could he have done for the relationship to work? Why did she cheat? The love of his life is gone and now he's depressed, all over again. Was life worth living anymore? He doesn't wanna be alone, he can't be alone...

"Legoshi! You there?" Durham yelled.

"O-Oh... Sorry..."

Durham walked all the way over to Louis and dragged him by his arm to his office.

"Dude you need to tell him how you feel already."

Louis blushed. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Louis I know you, and I know that you like legoshi a lot! Stop acting like you don't, if you don't go out there and ask him out then he'll be alone forever!"

Louis snatched his arm away from him. "Give me time dammit! It isn't as easy as it looks jackass!"

"Just hurry up and do it already, I can't stand seeing legoshi like this Louis."

"I know... I'm afraid of rejection that's all, but I will when I'm ready."

Durham nodded, he went back to the counter. Legoshi was still in his depressing state. Legoshi was completely unaware of his surroundings, he was just... Stuck.

"Legoshi, if you ever want to talk I'll be right here." Said Durham as he played with his wedding ring.

"Durham? Do you ever think miguno would ever cheat on you?" Legoshi asked bluntly.

"Uhm no? He would never, that hyena is crazy over me."

The thought of miguno cheating on him hurt Durham deeply, thankfully it would never happen. Durham and miguno would literally die for each other.

Back when they were still in school Durham was the one who asked miguno out, it was hard admittedly but he managed to get the words out. Miguno couldn't believe it at first, he thought he was just pranking him like he always did.

But man, miguno went crazy when he found out he was serious. Miguno had a crush on Durham ever sense they first met. A couple years later they end up getting married. They have their own house too.

Louis was fighting a battle in his mind, would asking legoshi out be too soon? I mean, Haru just cheated on him not too long ago. Plus does he even feel the same way?

He calmed down, over thinking it was getting him no where. Besides he had to get to work.

12 minutes pass by and regulars came in the bar, legoshi was getting nervous. There wasn't many people in there but he felt like everyone was staring at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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