Chapter 2

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"Why are you here Grell?" Papa asked, a bit mad but still calm.
Me and Michael were very confused about what was happening.
"Should we go?" Michael asked me quietly. I nodded.
"Let me find the room first tho, okay?" I told him. he nodded. I closed my eyes then opened them. My once dark brown eyes become a dim red. A beautiful white owl came through an open window that Grell may have opened. I closed my eyes again but this time I was looking through the owl's eyes. With my demonic power, it flew through the manor. It came to a stop at a room. It flew right through the door and into the room. It seem to be the guest room. The owl closed its's eyes and I opened mine again. I looked at where Grell and Papa were. Then looked at Michael. I took hold of his arm and pulled it to me. I looked at him and he knew where it was now too. We turned around and walked away from the two people who were talking about something we didn't want to know.

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