Chapter 3

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When the door to the gusset room closed, we started to go in a laughing fit.
"My lord, did you see his face when she called him 'Bassy'?!" I asked.
"Yeah! I've never seen just disgust for someone in our lives!" Michael said.
We started to slow down our laughing fit. A rambal came from our bellies.
"We need food," we said together. We got up and went out of the room to find Papa aka Sebastian. We went to where we called Uncle William. We saw the lady named Grell trying to kiss Sebastain. Key word 'trying'. He has his hand on her head, pushing her away. I resist the urge to let out a loud laugh. I let out a giggle. The two looked over to us. Michael walked to Grell and held his hand out for her.
"You got off on the wrong foot with me and my sister. I'm Michael Afton," he said. Grell put her hand on his and Michael kissed her hand. Grell had a small bush on her face. I walked toward them. I held the sides of my dress and blowed. Grell does the same except she holds the sides of her coat.
"I'm Isabella Afton, the twin sister of Michael Afton,"I said. She looked at us with her green eyes. Looks like we might need to get to know her before she trusts us.
"Grell Sutcliff," her answer was short but to the point. I walked away to Sebastain. I bopped him then ran to hide behind Michael. Sebastian looked shocked then came after me. I used my twin as a human shield.
'Why are you hiding behind me?'
' Cause I want to. Now shut it.'
'I hate you'
'Love you too sis'
'I will hit you'
'I don't care'
I moved my hands from his shunders to his back. I pushed him hard. As he studened to stay up, I hit the top of his head hard. He flew down to the floor.
'Hey! What was that for?!'
'You said you didn't care'
'That really hurt'
I looked him in the eye and smiled. I turned around and was met with Ciel. I started to back up. I looked at my twin. He smiled. Now I knew this Ciel was not real. I walked to the fake Ciel and poked him. He didn't go away. I was shocked but hid it. I went to my twin, who was still on the floor, and grabbed him by the collar and dragged his butt out of here. I took him into the living room.
"Why aren't your illusion proofing when I poked it?!"
"Cause it's not an illusion," he said.
"Do you mean-?" I asked.
"Yep," he said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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