Part 10

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We all got into the water and started swimming around. Pansy and Mattheo were being really touchy and flirty so we avoided them a little to give them their space. I noticed Daphne and Lorenzo giving each other looks. We played a few games and had a lot of fun. The boys went onto the second story balcony and jumped of into the lake while us girls gave them a score.

At one point Pansy and Mattheo came back to the group holding hands and we all looked at them in shock cause we didn't even realise they had left. They just jumped back in the water as if they didn't just do what we think  they just did. Pansy swam over to Daphne and I who were talking about the boys. 
" OMG that was like the best sex i've had in like forever!" Pansy exclaimed

" Eww. i don't want to hear about my brother and best friends sex life." i fake gagged

Pansy and Daphne just laughed. Lorenzo came over and swam under Daphne and lifted her up on his shoulders. Draco came over and surprised me  when he lifted me on his shoulders. We had a chicken fight on the boys shoulders  and I managed to push Daphne of after a good fight. I jumped of Draco's shoulders and high fived him. 

We got out after a bit to have some freshly made pizzas' on the small jetty while talking about our plans for the term. We even started talking about our holiday plans and no one had much to do so I offered if they wanted to go to France with me. They all agreed and Pansy started talking about shopping.

We swam some more then decided to go inside and watch a movie while we took turns in the two bathrooms. About halfway through the movie I walked back into the lounge to see Lorenzo and Daphne cuddled up with a blanket, fast asleep. I pointed to them and everyone looked and we all tried our best not to wake them up from our laughter. 

At around 5 we got up and woke them up. Both of them were about as bright as a tomato and we went down to the common room to set up. Blaise got all the drinks and set up the makeshift bar. Pansy and Daphne put up lights and set up an area for a 'dance floor'. Lorenzo, Mattheo and Tom moved the couches and tables to the side so there was more space. Draco and I sneaked into the school kitchens and grabbed all sorts of snacks we could find. We made our way back there and placed everything in an nice arrangement. By that time we went to dinner where we shared the common room password for that night, with the other houses so they could get in. We ate our dinner and I was excited for what tonight was going to be like as it was my first party. From what i've seen while setting up the decor it seems like a lot of fun. 

We went back to the dungeons to do the final touches like we set a silencing spell around the common room and made sure the younger years had gone to sleep. At around 8 the girls dragged me up to my room to get ready. 

The girls picked a one shoulder black top with a sparkly mini skirt and black heels. They curled my hair and did smokey eye makeup. 

Pansy was wearing a dark green corset blouse with a black skirt and Daphne was wearing a black cropped tank with a black skirt and a white, grey and black baseball jacket.  


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Once we were all ready we walked to the common room. The second we stepped in the common room the loud music blasted our ears. It was a good thing we put the silencing charm otherwise we would have kept the whole school up. We walked to the 'bar' where all the boys were waiting for us

" Ladies, looking wonderful as ever." Blaise shouted over the music already with a drink in his hand. 

We went over to the couches and kicked a few kids that were making out, of. Pansy sat on Mattheo's lap on one of the couches and no one wanted to go near any of them so Draco and I got one couch and Tom and Blaise got the other while Daphne and Lorenzo had to sit on the floor. We had a few shots and drank a fair amount of fire whisky. Pansy and Mattheo were busy sucking each other's faces of so Blaise and Tom decided to go talk to a few girls from the year below us. The boys went to get us some more drinks while Daphne and I went to go dance. We went to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing to the music. The boys returned with some drinks and we drank them while dancing with the boys. We were laughing and enjoying our time when Blaise came over dragging a random girl along. 

" C'mon, we're going play a few games." he yelled over the music. We nodded and followed him. there was a group of people that Blaise had rounded up so we would have more fun. We couldn't decide what game to play so we made our own up. It was a mix of truth or dare, body shots and spin the bottle.

" Ok so first you get to choose truth or dare. don't make it a kiddy question we want to have a bit of fun!" Pansy said and people cheered. " then once you have completed it you spin the bottle and have to take a body shot of that person. Everyone got that" Most people nodded and Blaise got a bottle of vodka. 

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