The Second Path:: Breakfast

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3rd Person

Adam nods to himself,and smirks a little bit. He continues down the hall,passing Max's room,and into the living room. Humming softly to himself,Adam went into the kitchen and paused. Nodding slightly again,Adam started pulling stuff out of the cabinets and fridge to make pancakes.

A floury mess later,Adam was happily frying pancakes,hands coated in the whitened flour as he accidentally smeared it on his forehead and nose unknowingly. It dusted across his cheeks and it looked like it snowed flour on the kitchen floor and counters. Chuckling,Adam bounced from the room,aiming to wake up Max so he could be awake and ready by the time pancakes were ready.


Adam chirped,flopping down on the bed directly on his boyfriend's sleeping form. A startled yelp issued from the Mexican at his rude awakening,and Adam suddenly found himself pressed against the cold hardwood floor. Max's sleepy brown eyes glared down at him,and Adam giggled obnoxiously until no longer drowsy lips pressed roughly against his own,silencing him. Lips moving in sync,the couple eagerly fought for dominance with tongues,sounds of heated kissing and slight whining filling the air. They parted when the loud beeping of the stove interruptd what would've proved much more interesting than pancakes.

"Breakfast is ready,"

Adam breathed,blood flooding his cheeks,and Max let him up immediately. There was flour in Max's hair and on his cheeks now,making Adam giggle. Upon recieving Max's confused look,Adam only giggled more,and said,


Max makes an accepting noise,and they transperse into the kitchen.

Five minutes later,they sat at the kitchen table,still dusted in flour,but eating pancakes. They sat beside each other,sharing a gigantic thermos of coffee as they ate. Yawning and groaning about the morning,they steadily ate through at least two and a half pancakes each,and drank the entire thermos of coffee.

Ten minutes later,they were curled up on the couch,having cleaned up the kitchen and themselves. Max had his arms wrapped around Adam,pulling him close. His lips were pressed against Adam's jawline,and his voice huskily purred in the American's ear,

"I think it's time we had a bit of fun,huh babe? Or do you have to do something else to do?"

Adam's mind flashes dangerously between dirty,dirty,dirty thoughts,and the fact that he needed to plan out a perfect day for them. It was their anniversary,today.

Adam furiously thinks,the teeth at his neck as Max began to mark him distracting him slightly. Do I tell him I have plans for later? Or do I just ride the wave out?

So Many PathsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora