Fifth Path:: Ice Cream and RoyalChaos

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             Third Person


Adam happily pushed open the door to the ice cream parlor that he and Max always went to,Custom Creams ((is that copyright? not sure)) ,the cool temperature such a nice contrast to the L.A air outside. 

"Adam! Good to see you!"

A familiar voice greeted,and Adam grinned at the taller male that was cleaning off a table. 

"Hey Chilled,"

He responded,and the male said,

"You're the first customer today. We had to open up a bit later today because there was a bit of a...ahem..crisis in the backroom when we were getting everything in order."

Adam laughed,

"I do not want to know anything else about what you and Ze do behind those doors. Especially if it effects the ice cream."

The other male smirked,

"So,what are you here for?"

He steered Adam over to the counter,where a male with curly brown hair and green eyes was,listening to music.  He looked up when they approached,and he smiled broadly,

"Nanners! What's up?"

"Ice cream,Steven,"

Chilled said before Adam could respond. Steven nodded,and when he went back to cleaning tables,he leaned over the counter to whisper,

"I don't suggest getting the pecan pie flavour because I'm pretty sure Anthony contaminated it."

Adam wrinkled his nose,and turned to say,

"That's just gross Chilled."

Anthony turned,

"What did I do?"

Adam turned back to Steven,and listed off the flavours that Max liked,and Steven smiled,nodded,and got to work putting them into a container. 

"Planning something big for the anniversary?"

Anthony asked a few minutes later,finished with the tables. Adam nodded joyfully,

"I've got the day planned out,and nothing should go wrong."

"I wouldn't say that,"

Steven warns from where he is putting together the container.

"Fate is very unlucky sometimes."

"Don't be a pessimist,babe,"

Anthony says,and Steven just shrugs and goes back to what he was doing. Adam bites his lip and chews it,thinking over the Canadian's words,before Anthony snaps him out of it,

"You thinking about proposing?"

Adam jolts up,blinks,and then blushing,mumbling a quick,

"Yeah,I was thinking about it."

Anthony laughed giddily,

"Good for you! You've been together for three years now,haven't you?"

Adam nods,but quietly voiced his concerns,

"What if he says no?"

"He won't say no. He loves you."

Steven says suddenly,and puts the container in front of Adam,who takes out his wallet. Anthony shakes his head,

"It's on the house,Adam. Don't worry about it."

Adam looks confused,but shrugs,and takes the container. When Anthony turns his back,however,Adam slipped Steven two fives for the ice cream before waving goodbye at the couple. 

He got into his car,and cranked up the air conditioner,praying the ice cream wouldn't melt. He tapped a beat into the steering wheel,weighing where he should go next.

If I head to the jewellers,there won't be time to grab flowers,but if I head to get flowers,it's shorter,the ice cream won't melt,but the jewellers definitely won't be open,and I'll have to go somewhere else for a ring. Shit,where do I go?

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