The Fourth Path:: Restaurant Reservations and SlamWrecker

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This path is courtesy to Sielu_Soulclan who broke the tie. Thank fuck.

First Person

I drove for about ten minutes to the restaurant Max loved,and parked my car in the lot,getting out. I shoved my keys into my pocket,and closed my door. Heading up to the door,I was relievd to find that I was just on time,and a familiar person was clicking on the OPEN sign in the window. I wave,and they grin,and open the door for me.

"Heya Nanners,how you doing?"

He grinned,fluffy brown hair spiked up gently in odd angles.

"Hey Slam,I'm doing good,you?"

"I'm good,"

He nods,and I open my mouth to ask him something,when,speak of the devil,a black haired male slid next to 'Slam',twining his arms around the brunet's waist.

"Hello Aaron,"

The taller said,nuzzling the other's neck,before greeting,

"Oh hey Nanners."

"Hey Ohm,"

I laugh,and Aaron shuddered slightly,pushing Ohm off with a small,


Ohm only laughed,and his attention focused on me.

"You here for the reservation?"

I nod,and Ohm smiles,and hands me a sheet of paper. Shocked,I find that Ohm had gotten Max and I a reservation at 3:00 PM,the exact time I was going to reserve. I blink in surprise,but Ohm only grinned.

"H-How did you..?"

I spluttered slightly,and Ohm only said,

"I will not reveal my sources."

Sighing,I tuck the sheet of paper into my jacket,and smile a bit,

"So how are you two?"

Aaron proudly raises his hand and shows off the silver band on his ring finger,


I smile even brighter,and bounce a bit on my toes,

"Really? That so awesome! Congratulations!"

Aaron blushes a bit,as Ohm kissed him on the cheek and intertwined their fingers. I clap with a smirk,and then a voice calls,

"Oi,SlamWrecker,stop snogging,you'll scare off customers."

I turn to see my good friend Scott,who is the owner and manager of the restaurant,and had let Ohm and Aaron take jobs up in the establishment.

"Hey Nannerman,what's up?"

He greeted,clapping me on the back,

"Still with good ol' Gassy?"

I nod,

"He's home,sleeping. I just came to get a reservation. Which Ohm very usefully provided."

Scott looked at Ohm curiously before shrugging,

"Well that's good. You'll be in later,then?"

"3 o' clock,"

I confirm,and Scott grins,

"We'll see you then. Shaun might be in later when you do."

"It'll be nice to see Hutch again,"

I say as I turn to the door. I hear Scott hum as he shooed Aaron and Ohm away to the kitchens to try and do what they can before customers start flooding in. I exit the restaurant,and head back to my car. As I get in and turn the engine on,I weigh my options.

I can go and get ice cream now,

Or I can go and see what I can do about some flowers.

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