Civil War; Invasion

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I saw Hana turn around with scissors and a picture while she was infront of my desk. I quickly run towards her and snatch the scissors and photo from her. I looked at the picture and It was the picture I took of Y/n in the carnival. She cut off her
head while there was a cross around her head. I immediately take Hana by the wrist and pin her to the wall. Who the heck does she think she is? I stare at her for a long time while hot red anger coursed through my veins as I felt them getting stronger. Hana's laughter brings me back to life as I let go of one of her wrists and slam the wall behind her, near her ear making sure she finally shut up.

Me: What do you think you're doing to my pictures of Y/n?! Why are you even here in my room!

I heard the door burst open as I turn around and see me and Hana's parents. My father motioned his men to quickly grab me as they separate me from Hana. They drag me to another room as I look back and see Hana's smirked face. God, how I want to take that smirk off so bad. We arrived to a specific room my father called "The Disciplining Room" . There was whips, knives, guns, and other stuff hanging on the wall with a few paintings and vases. They threw me in and locked the door, leaving me and my father in the same room. I gently walk towards a near by chair and start taking off my shirt. I turn around slowly as I brace myself for the punishment my father was about to give me.

I felt a sting on my face as my father slapped me across the face.

Dad: you stubborn son of a bitch!

He walked to the whip and started hitting me with it. My arms and chest were bruised and I kept flinching from the stinging that left my body aching.

Dad: kneel down and turn around you ass!


It was late at night and my father had finally been done with my torture. As I walk to the mirror, the last words before my father left the room. "Go near that girl again, and I'll kill her in any kind of way you cant even possibly think about." I ball my fist and punch the wall causing my hand to bleed. He's doing the same thing huh? After what he did to Iris, I will not backdown anymore, but I couldnt risk it. I took my shirt and walked outside the house. I started driving to a near by club not caring if people looked at my bruises or not. I chugged down a couple of shots as I procceded to make my way outside. I looked at a near by corner and saw a kid get beat up. I already have injuries, why not just risk it? I run towards the men beating the kid up and throw a few punches here and there. I told the kid to run away while I was staling them, so he quickly did so. Soon they beat me to it and left me in the corner as my back layed on the wall as my head hang down. Suddenly everything went black as I hear the rain pouring down on me.


(Y/n POV)
I stepped out of the grocery store as I looked around the street for passing cars, as I was looking around I saw a figure as his back was laying on a wall while his head hang like a dead body. I quickly ran to the person just sitting there and saw a bracelete on his hand. I saw a familiar trinket and look at my wrist. I look back to see that it was the same trinket I gave to our friend group.

I kneel down as I held the umbrella for the person.

Me: Hey! Kavin? Ren? Caleb?? Thyme? Mj??

They wouldnt respond as I gently tilt his head up. It was Mj, I stumbled back a bit causing me to land on a puddle. I waste no time and sit beside him placing his head on my lap. I quickly notice new features on his face that had red dark blood on them. I lightly slapped his face until he was half awake.

Me: Mj! Mj!!

He just let out small groans. Damn he stinks with alochol.

Me: how did u get here??

His eyes slowly fluttered open and looked to somewhere on a road. I saw his car and started dragging him over. I search his pockets and found his car keys. I open the car door and slowly place him in. I lean on the car and close my eyes as rain poured onto my head and spreaded through out my body. I got inside and started driving.

Me: we'll go to a nearby apartment I own.

I heard a sloght grunt from him that I just giggle at.


We arrived as I park the car in an in-door parking lot. Before I got out, I took a few pictures and video's of Mj.

Me: look who's drunk again!!

I give out a giggle as I end the video. I put my phone in my locket as I get out of the car.

We arrived at my apartment as I go on the couch full of exhaustion. I look over to the drunken Mj half-asleep on the floor. I sigh and head over to him.

Me: take your shirt off, yo're soaked from the rain.

I said while kneeling down and lightly giving him a push on the shoulder. He responded with a grunt and turned to me.

Mj: I know you must be a hot chick, but I have a girlfriend. Some other time.

I burst into laughter of what he said.


I sigh as I start taking off his jacket. I was interrupted by him grabbing my wrist and pulling me in. I was on top of him as his eyes was half-closed.

Mj: I have a girlfriend!!

He screamed as his alcoholic breath filled my nose. I quickly get out of his grasp.

Me: I'm your girlfriend you idiot! The one and only Y/n!

I hear a chuckle come out from him as he looks to me.

Mj: you should have said that in the first place love.

I sigh as he finally got to sleep.

I quickly dragged him to the couch and start taking off his shirt and signature ponytail. OH MY GOD. THE ROCK HARD ABS. Before I could hesitate, my hand flew to his chest and started tracing his abs. I hear a chuckle from him causing me to let out a small squeak.

Mj: Baby~~ I'm ticklish there~~

He gave out a big smile as I just sigh to.

Me: gosh this guy. I'll go get you a new shir--

As i was about to stand up from the couch, he grabbed my wrist. I was soon on his lap cause he stood up in a flash. EESH, WHAT NOW?? TOO CLOSE TOO CLOSE TOO CLOSEE


MJ suddenly got serious causing me to scrunch my brows in confusion.

Me: what's wrong.

He suddenly got close to my face and eyed me up and down.

Mj: I need you to do me a favor.

I was distracted by his lips which was just inches away from mine whenever he spoke.

Me: w-what is it?

It was silent for a moment until he placed one hand on my neck and the other on my waist.

Mj: I'll be gone for a while, so you need to promise me something.

I gulp hard before opening my mouth to speak.

Me: what is it?

Mj: take my virginity.

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