Chapter 1:

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Its been three years.


You know, when I was a kid, I never thought my life would turn out like this.

Maybe it was fate

Maybe it was destiny

Or maybe this happens because I let my guard down.

It's all possibilities. But I miss Hiccup, and my friends. Who probably all hate my guts.

But over these three I've changed.

Sort of....

Anyhow, I haven't been living by myself these three years. I made a friend. Who doesn't care who I am, and what I've done.

Meet Innocence

A nightfury yes

A girl none the less

She's my precious and my best friend.

I found Innocence in the woods, sleeping peacefully. As she woke up she growled at me but I stood there. As still as a statue.

She saw I wasn't a threat and out friedship grew from that.

Other than meeting Innocence I've changed as well.

The pink patterns on my scales faded, I don't why and I don't know how.

Maybe I will never know, but oh well. Doesn't bother me.

The one thing that does is that I can't create life anymore. Rmemeber that thing that happens three years ago? When Berk was on fire and I stopped it. I don't have that power anymore.

Instead, when I get angry, things set alight.

I guess that's another reason I've cut myself off from the rest of the world.

I'm a monster.

Lightfury in the Woods 2 : Innocence Can ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now