Chapter 1: I'm what

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Selina up early in the morning needing to throw up. 'I need to get that check out' she thought to herself. Her thoughts were lost when she heard, "Selina, are you there? Are you ok?" Bruce, great just what she needed. She didn't want Bruce to worry, he had enough kids to worry about. "Selina, honey, I hear you in there." "I'm fine Bruce. Go back to bed" "Selina, you aren't fine I'm gonna come in there." Selina knew she had no chance stopping him, so she unlocked the door and let him in. He didn't need to walk in to see the throw-up in the toilet and on the side of her mouth. He also saw the tears coming down from her eyes. "Oh baby," Bruce said as he pulled Selina into a hug. As soon as he did this, Selina was sobbing into Bruce's shoulder. "Shhh it's ok you can cry. Hey let's get you cleaned up and back to bed." Selina nodded. Bruce wetted a towel and started to clean Selina's face. When he was done, he flushed the toilet and led Selina back to the bed. "Later, we are going to the doctors. I'm just to to message Alfred to make one." Selina nodded and snuggled into Bruce's chest.

—————————Time Skip—————————

Later they woke to yelling. "Jason, what the fuck?" Dick yelled. Great this is just what Selina needed this morning. "What do you mean what the fuck?" Jason yelled back. Selina and Bruce decided to get out of bed. "You know what you fucking did you prick." Dick said as he punches Jason. "What the fuck dude? What was that for?" "For fucking my best friend." Dick punches Jason again but this time jason punched back. "I didn't fuck Wally. You were with him all night. He was sleeping in your bed all night." Jason says to the ginger boy causing him to blush. "Not Wally you bitch. Roy" Jason's face went from confused to a face which one could not describe. Like a shocked face. "I...umm....what....I have no clue what ummm you are talking about." "You fucking bi..." "Boys shut up. Please your mother is sick." "My mothers dead." Dick said angrily. "You know what I mean." "But dad I don't know if you notice. He had sex with my best friend." "Oh please your acting like it was a one night stand." "Was it not?" Dick asked angrily with a shocked undertone. "Not the time boys. Just put this off for now. Go down and eat some breakfast." They both were hesitant but listened to their father. Selina and Bruce followed them down to kitchen. When they walked into the kitchen, the smell of the food made Selina feel sick to her stomach. Selina rushed to the bathroom without anyone noticing. "Good morning, Master Bruce, Master Richard, Master Wallace, Master Jason, and Miss Sel..." Alfred started to say. This made Bruce confused. 'Selina was just here' Bruce thought to himself. Then he hears someone throwing up and he rushed to the bathroom. "Alfred," Bruce yelled, "What time is the doctors appointment?" "10 am." Bruce looked at the clock it was currently 9 am. "Hey Selina, let's try to eat something before the doctors." Bruce said while helping Selina clean up and get up. When they back to the kitchen, they see that now tim and Damian are in the kitchen now. "Hey Guys, Selina isn't feeling well and I'm gonna talk her to doctors soon." "Ok, father" Damian said in response clearly have just woken up. Tim on the other hand was basically jumping up and down. "Tim you really need to lower your coffee import." Jason said sarcastically. Tim gave him the death stare and so did dick but for a different reason. Selina try to sallow down some eggs but couldn't without throwing up. Bruce notice this, "hey let's go get ready." They went back to the bedroom to get ready. Bruce made sure that Selina was comfortable in sweats. Before they left, Bruce says, "Ok boys, oh good morning Cass, Alfred is in charge. Jason, dick I don't want any fighting we are going to talk when we get home." Both boys nodding but dick's death stare says otherwise. "Bye dad, later Selina." Dick says annoyed while getting up and going to his room with Wally. Bruce hates when the boys other than Damian doesn't call Selina mom. When she and Bruce married she adopted them. Damian mom is still alive so Bruce gets it, but the only ones who call her mom consistently is Jason and Cass, hell even Steph calls her mom before than Dick. "What am I going to do with him?" Bruce says while they are leaving. "Love, let him be he's just being a moody teenager. But let's get me to doctors before I throw up again." "Yes let's go"

—————————Time Skip—————————

They are currently in the doctors. They have done many tests. The doctor comes in and says, "Every test that we've done has come back negative but there is one more option. Mrs. Wayne have you and the mister been sexual recently. 'Pregnancy, shit, that could be it' Selina thinks to herself. "Yes" She says out loud. She remembers that night.
It was the last Wayne Gala that happened in June. Bruce couldn't take his eyes off of her in that tight black dress she was wearing. She was talking to Ivy and Harley, who Bruce only allowed let in because of Selina. He couldn't say no to her. She had this power over him. He couldn't take it any longer, he went over and grab her away and brought her to the nearest storage closest. "Couldn't wait for home Bruce." "No" That was enough for Selina. They started making out and one thing left to another and suddenly the clothes were off. "Bruce we shouldn't do it here. Someone could walk in." "You're right" They put there clothes back on. But as soon as they got out, they made up some excuse to go home. When they got home, they went straight up to the bedroom and finished what they started.
"We just need you to pee in a cup. And we can figure out the results." The doctor says as he hands Selina a cup. The doctor leads Selina to the bathroom. When Selina got in there, she quickly peed in a cup and went back to the room. Once she got there the doctor said, "Ok, we should get the results in a few minutes. I'll come back when it's ready." The doctor left and Bruce said seeing Selina upset, "Hey, honey, it's ok. We always wanted a kid together." "Yeah but are we ready? I mean dick clearly doesn't like me and is now mad at Jason. Jason is constantly getting in terrible. Tim is Tim. He's depressed, Insomniac, and addicted to coffee. Damian has too many pets. And Cass is... there's nothing wrong with Cass. And Steph basically lives with us and...." "Selina, babe, calm down. It's going to be ok." A few minutes later the doctor walked back in and said, "Congratulations, you're expecting." "I'm what?" Selina asked surprisedly. "You are pregnant Mrs. Wayne." "Thank you so much doctor. Is that all" Bruce said quickly to change the subject. "Yes, you can go home now."

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