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meow meow meow meow mewo...
MEOW! meow meow meow meow - Cat 1 said as he was crying with grief while Cat 2 watched with guilt in his eyes.

meow meow.... meow - Cat 2 said, there were no words that could've fixed what he had done to his lover.

meow meow meow meow...- Cat 2 reached to his friend while trying to calm Cat 1 down.

woof wooof woof bark bark - his dog best friend told him

meow! meow... meow meow meow 🙁 - Cat 2 said, asking for help. He needed Dog to be there for him, he couldn't process what he has done.

woof... bark bark- Dog was unsure, yet he still tried to make this work; what else he could've done?

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