Ep 1

4 1 0

meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow moew.
meow meow meow....

"mew meow meeeeowwww"- Cat 1 sang with a bottle of champagne in his right hand while holding a cup of ice, thinking that all of this happened because of him. Sobbing wouldn't solve anything; he knew. Yet, there was nothing more reliving than pouring your heart out on a cold glass of sorrows.

with cat two

"woof woof bark bark, bark woof woof.." - Dog said to his buddy; Cat 2. He understood that his fellow cat friend did not mean to do such thing.

"moew moew mewo mew:(" - Cat 2 said as he grabbed Dog by the arm, he felt like his heart became heavy and his eyes become watery. He felt so shallow, Cat 1 didn't need deserved this type of treatment. All of the love was thrown out of the windows and the heart of Cat 1 became a fragile diamond heart.

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