The devil Knight

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It's the fourth day of the second event. Before the fourth day and on the third event, the group has facing so many things. The first thing that happened was Maple somehow find one of the medal when she rolling down from a cliff with her new skill called a venom capsule. This followed by the egg finally hatch into a turtle and a fox. Funny thing is that the turtle is faster than Maple because the turtle has 15 AGI which is higher than Maple 0 Agi. For the rest afternoon, The group waste their time by leveling up Maple and Sally's pet.

After that, on the night, the group enter an dungeon and got somehow got separated and the dungeon forced the four of them fight the fake version of their friends. Kyota fight fake Kuro, Kuro fight the fake Kyota, Maple fight the fake Sally, and Sally fight the fake Maple. The four of them managed to beat the fake version of their friends with their own ways even though it's kinda hard. As the four of them finally meet again, the group proceed to test out if everyone is real with revealing the most embarrassing moment each of them has.

On the next day, the group is currently walking on a dessert on the next day. Maple and Sally have to put their pets back with the Bond rings that they got after the egg hatched because Syrup aka Maple's pet cannot climb on the dessert while Oboro aka Sally's pet got sand attached on it's fur.

Suddenly the group find an Oasis and decide to take a rest there. as the group get closer to the oasis, they suddenly noticed a woman with a japanese samurai clothes is behind one of the palm tree.

"You must be Maple, Kyota, and Kuro who got third place on the last event, right?
  The woman behind the tree asked.

 "That would be us." Kyota answered.

"Who are you anyway?" Maple asked.

"So the sixth place was a small number for you, huh?" The woman revealed herself to the group.

"Ehehe." Maple laughed wryly.

The girl in pink and purple samurai clothes hold her Katana beside her and lower her stance which made Maple surprised as the girl asked, "You have that golden medal, right? or should i say three gold medal?"

Sally and Kyota pull both of their weapon and proceed to get on their stance. Kuro and Maple seeing their friends raise their guard made both of them do that as well with the wind howling around them.

When the samurai girl saw her disadvantage, she stopped holding the handle of her katana as she exclaimed, "Four against one made me get into a disadvantage."

"Do you really think that we would let you get away after you challenge us into a fight?" Sally told her.

The samurai girl only looked back at the group with one eye closed, but she proceed to open both eyes as she shouted, "Super Acceleration!" The samurai girl just went past them from the middle side of Maple and Sally.

But Sally won't let her escape, she shouted, "Super Acceleration!" And chase the samurai girl after she turned around.

"Eh?" Maple processed what just happened and then she turned around as she realized "EEEEEHHH?!"

"Well, there goes Sally." Kuro said.

"I should have know she's gonna after her." Kyota muttered.

"Wait for me, Sally!!!" Maple shouted as she tried to chase her friend who got ahead of her.

Kuro looked at Kyota as he asked, "Should we go with Maple chasing Sally as well?"

Kyota shook his head as he shrugged, "Nah, just let them be, because i know they're gonna be fine."

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