March 6, 2022

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For the past few days, I've been busy with school, my personal life, and my room. 

In a day, it's either I'm answering my modules or scrolling to my socmed. 

Right now is another day to feel like shit. My brother's 'pa-victim' -ing me. I feel like shit but I don't want to deal with his shit also. I did not reply back to him. I'm handling myself very well. 

Anyway, my mom bought a Korean product of manicures. I tried it on my nails. Different manicure color on different fingers. It looks good on me, tbh. 

For the past few days also, I've been watching videos about adulting so I would be prepared when I turn 18. I hope I will mature well. I hope no one treats me like a shit when I will succeed in my career.

I hope I will lose weight and be taller so I can reach the requirements as a Flight Attendant.

My plan when I turn 18, I will try to apply for flight attendant if ever I would lose weight and if not then I will try to finish the engineering and then be a flight attendant. I hope I would also be a flight attendant while working as an engineer. 

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