May 7-8 2022

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I started the day taking out the trash cans and dumped it on the garbage place in our place. When I went downstairs, my father was up and got ready to take out the trashes too. But I went ahead bcos my plan was too get back to sleep as soon as possible.

Before I went out the house, I called our dog, Bobski, to take him out too. So that he would have a chance to eat some grass for his health bcos I noticed him almost puking the day before.

After dumpig the trashes, my father aked me if I want to join him for a jog.  That was my original plan, to take out the trash and go for a walking execise but too lazy to walk early in the morning.

Did I mention that I did not have the best sleep? I decided to sleep around 11pm and after an hour, I'm still awake. When I finally slept, I keep waking up. This happened frequently for the past days. And I think I might have an insomnia. I searched symptoms of insomnia, I have it. I searched the causes, stress is the cause. And I have problems as what I wrote on the previous day.

Okay, back to the jog.

While I was in my room, I kept contemplating if I really want to take an exercise but decided to do it so I can finally have a clear mind.

We went to this popular for hiking and jogging place in our place called San Carlos Height.

Our goal is to go to hiking stop place in the San Carlos. When we finally got there, I felt like I want to puke. Maybe bcos my body was shocked by the sudden exercise. Knowing me, I just lay around the house.

May 8. Now my body felt cramped. I did not go to a morning exercise but tomorrow I will. I forgot to write a to-do list last night, that's why I dont what to do for this day. I think I will answer my math module.

Example, I'll compile tommorrow until sunday's diaries and compile it/write it in only one page of this journal.

I've gotta go. Bye! Thank you for reading, if there is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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