Training and Butterflies

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Meditating on the lake like usual, I work on my stance training, mostly working on my legs while doing Katas. During all this, Madara trains at its shore working on the usage of his mongekyou sharingan. 

It had been a while since the battle, and since then, I have been getting better and better at medical ninjutsu. Using my knowledge from my previous life, I have been preventing Madara from getting any of the side effects from using his mongekyou, effectively preventing him from going blind.

I've been doing the same for Izuna. I am confident that when that happens, I can stop Izuna from bleeding out. 

Zetsu has been keeping an eye on me ever since I told him what I would do. This way, Madara is free from his turmoil, mostly. He is the only one who can cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi. 

This way, me being his friend is enough for Zetsu to let me off the hook; especially if he knows I will betray him eventually.

I wonder if he has gotten ahold of that summoning I told him about? Or if he has successfully found someone to experiment on them to my specific details. Having butterflies doesn't sound scary. I mean, they are considered harmless, but after my explaining of why I wanted them, Zetsu agreed it was not a terrible idea.

After all, nobody expects a butterfly to be a spy. Nor do they expect them to be harmful. Now making them evolve to withstand acid on their scales and nectar from flowers that cause hallucinations among other poisons and venoms, it makes for a terrifying foe.

"Hey," I peaked an eye out looking at Madara as he was staring at my face from inches away. I immediately freaked out moving backward causing me to lose control of my chakra and fall into the water.

Madara was laughing as he watched me fall in, but as I came up, I had this thought that crossed my mind. An evil glint formed in my eyes as I grabbed Madara by his ankles and shoved him into the water.

"Ahhh!" he exclaimed with a big splash. 

When he came up, he was glaring at my smirking form with much disdain. "Hn," I said getting back on top of the lake and helping him up.

"I am heading back, you can stay for a while longer, but you must be back before dusk, understand?" He said ringing his hair out from the excess water. 

I gave him a nod, and he left. I then went on to work on some jutsus I have been working on for a while. 

After some time, Zetsu came up beside me, his head peaking above the water. I gave him a side glance before he began giving his report on the experiments.

Interested, I moved my position into the seated one for meditation listening intently to the effects of certain drugs and other fatal concoctions. How some survived and adapted to the effects, but cannot give it. After all, it is a delicate creature.

Listening to what was done, I gave some insight into what else he could do and gave more ideas of what I wanted. Yes, it is inhumane to do these things, but they are only butterflies, and I am the villain of this story. 

After the report, I asked Zetsu, "Exactly who is it you have doing all this?"

He decided not to give me a name, but a description. I hummed satisfied with the answer which Zetsu took as his queue to leave.

I looked up at the sky, its blue hue beginning to change to orange signaling I should head back soon, "So, now I know where he got his crazy personality from." 

Orochimaru, you're ancestor is a lot like you. Or is it better to say Orochimaru is a lot like his ancestor? Yeah, that sounds correct.

I stood up, walking to the shore thinking about the future. Despite hitting puberty some time ago, I still have a long way to go in terms of knowledge. I need to know the way of the lands, not to mention the seasons and biomes of each region. I could use the excuse that whenever he frees me, I would love to travel.

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