2 - I Couldn't Resist

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You're speechless.

Am I dreaming again?

Can this be real?

You swipe through the notification and open up Instagram. There it is. A DM from Jungkook. The real Jungkook, blue check mark and everything.

This is really happening.

And suddenly you're fully awake, adrenaline coursing through your body.

Jungkook not only saw your flirty DM, and he not only replied—he's interested. He's playing along. He offered to "make it up to you."

No way.

That's when you realize how quickly his response came through. The speed of his reply tells you he's on his phone, right now. Writing to you.

You feel a wave of excited energy well up from your stomach and shoot through your body like electricity.

You have his attention. This is your chance—but what do you say?!?!

Come on, you tell yourself. You're a twenty-something woman with a job and a life. Okay sure, you haven't had sex in months. But since when are you intimidated by a text from a hot guy?

Even if the guy is freaking Jeon Jungkook.

Just channel that wit that cracks up all your friends, and don't lay it on too thick.

You ponder for a moment, and then start typing. "I've got tickets to your show tomorrow. We could meet up before. If you're not too busy rehearsing, that is. Or boxing. But...boxing looks good on you. So for the sake of all the other ARMYs, I don't think I can pull you away from a workout. Even to make it up to me."

After a few moments, the 3 dots pop up as he types, and it hits you all over again: Jungkook, the famous Golden Maknae of BTS, is texting with you right now. Is FLIRTING with you right now. It doesn't seem real.

Then the message appears. "So selfless, Y/N, to allow me to keep my training schedule. But I don't need permission to box."

Ha. He's funny. Or, wait—is he being sarcastic, or did you just mess this up? Did you go too far?

Immediately, 2 more messages pop up.

"You know I'm always happy to make time for ARMY.

"Your message...there was something about it. I don't usually reply to DMs, there are just too many. But yours...I couldn't resist. I think we could have some fun together. And I think you agree?"

Damn right, you agree.

He's sent a pic, too. It looks like he's just taken it—Jungkook, black hair wet as he stands in a luxurious hotel bathroom, a towel slung low around his hips, tattoos stark against his skin, bare chest gleaming and oh-so-touchable in the soft lighting.

Holy crap. He is so. freaking. hot. And he took this just for you.

You have to send one back. Yes, you have pics on your IG grid, but the one he just sent you is something more intimate and personal. He's not sharing this with the whole world.

Of course, in this moment, you're not quite as fresh as he is, lying in your bed in your cozy old tshirt. So you decide to cheat a little. You pull up a photo you took earlier in the week, something tasteful yet flirty from that day you were feeling sexy in a new black crop top.

You never imagined you'd be DMing this to Jungkook, but you smile with appreciation at yourself as you send the photo, along with the message, "Look at us. We already look good together."

"Mmmm," is his only reply.

You giggle. He's kind of a ham over text.

Another message comes through. Jungkook just sent you what looks to be a hotel name and room number and a time, with the words "In case we want to see for ourselves how good we look together."

Phew. This man will be the death of me.

Your face flushes, and your mind starts going a mile a minute. It's like you're right back in your dream, getting hot and electric with him all over again.

Your bias just invited you to his hotel room, presumably TO HOOK UP, before he gets on stage tomorrow. You already knew it would be an amazing day thanks to the show. Now, you're not even sure how to process what's unfolding.

You breathe. You can do this. You're so close to arranging this meetup. Now seal the deal.

So you type your reply. "I can hardly wait to find out. I know the hotel, and I'll be there. See you then, Jungkook."

You click off your phone once again and move to put it back on the nightstand, but you feel it vibrate before it even hits the table. The speed of his reply makes you smirk, and you look to see what the message says.

It's short and sweet:

"And Y/N - wear black for me?"


This man.

You can't suppress a little shiver of anticipation. He's picturing you, right now. Imagining you in black for him. Just for him.

That sensual smolder of his that you've watched a thousand clips of flashes into your mind. You picture what it will feel like to have his naughty energy focused fully on you, and to play off his energy, to see what kind of chemistry you have together.

You send him a  🖤  and put your phone back on the nightstand.

As you nestle into your pillows, you grin to yourself, knowing that you just started his mind going through all the things he'll do to you tomorrow.

You fell a little guilty, knowing it might be a while before he can fall asleep. He's got to be well-rested for his big day, after all.

And so do you.

Maybe Instagram isn't so terrible after all.

A Touch of Gold | Jungkook x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum