3 - The Right Move

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The hotel elevator announces itself as it passes each new floor, bringing you closer and closer to your destination.

You peer at your reflection in the mirrored doors, and what you see gives you a boost of confidence. It makes you stand a little taller.

Your hair and makeup turned out exactly as you like them. Your clear skin glows with anticipation.

And of course, you're dressed in black, head to toe.

You look good. You feel great. And with a flip of your hair and a little wink at yourself in the mirror, the elevator comes to a stop.

You're here.

A vibrant, buzzy energy beats through your body, and you take a deep breath as you step into the hallway, checking the room numbers so you head in the right direction.

Making your way toward the room Jungkook gave you in his DMs, you can already tell this is an experience you'll remember for a long time.

An anxious thought comes into your mind—Will this be awkward?

Will he be too busy to make time for me?

Oh god, will he regret inviting me over?!

Please, you plead to the universe, please don't let me have gotten my hopes up for nothing.

You center yourself by remembering how you felt last night, DMing with him. Shocked. Excited. Flattered. Utterly charmed. And...let's be honest...aroused.

This is going to be fun.

You're only a few rooms away now. The room to your left has someone making lots of noise inside—and you immediately recognize that loud, over-the-top voice as Jin's.

Who is he talking to? you wonder. At least one person is cracking up in there. Could that be Jimin's laugh, and maybe Taehyung's as well?

That sense of unreality washes back over you. Are you really just strolling past BTS's hotel rooms, on your way to casually get naked with Jungkook?! Is that something people really do, something that YOU really do?!

You sure hope so.

As you pass between two more rooms, new noises drift into the hallway. A booming bass beat—that must be Yoongi's room, you guess. And could it be Namjoon who's responsible for what sounds suspiciously like a lamp being knocked over?

You smile. The hyungs, you say to yourself with affection. You'd like to meet them all, if there's time.

But you've got only one destination right now. And you've just arrived.

One more breath, one more moment to check in with yourself. Do you feel good? Check. Do you feel safe? Check. Are you ready for what's next? Yep, this is exactly where you want to be.

You pull off a stealthy move to adjust your bra. Then, you raise your fist to knock on Jungkook's door...

...Only to find it swinging open, a surprised face inches away from yours.

You are looking right at Hobi.

He seems confused to see you standing there, so you give him a little wave and a "playing-it-cool" smile that belies your internal fangirling. Ahhh! J-Hope!

Another face appears over his shoulder—and your inner fangirl? Yeah, she wasn't ready for this.

It's really him. Jungkook is standing in front of you, in all his Golden Maknae perfection. A smirk of recognition creeps across his face, and you can't help but feel like there's a naughty little secret that only you two know.

Hobi glances back and forth between you, and you see the moment the lightbulb goes on in his eyes. He realizes what you and Jungkook are up to here.

The older of the two men sweeps into an enthusiastic bow, and before you can stop yourself from being a dork, you give him a curtsy right back. Hobi raises his eyebrows at you and looks delighted that you played along. He makes a face at Jungkook that seems to say, "I like her." Jungkook's cheeks flush. You can tell his hyung's approval means a lot to him.

"Have fun, you two," Hobi says, an indulgent elder brother who doesn't want to know anything more about what's about to happen.

Then, turning to Jungkook, he adds earnestly, "And Jay Kay? We head to soundcheck in two hours."

You step to the side, and Hobi gives you a friendly squeeze on the shoulder as he passes you to head down the hallway toward the room where Jin is holding court. For a second, you're tempted to follow him down the hall to join the fun.

But when you turn back to Jungkook, every other thought empties out of your mind.

This is your first good look at him, and you take it all in. He's leaning against the doorway, dressed in one of his trademark oversized grey tshirts and black jeans. He looks unpretentious and comfortable.

As your eyes wander over him, you can't help but admire the shape of his arms, his muscled shoulders, his sculpted thighs. The outlines of his body are downright mouth-watering.

Your gaze moves upward to his hair, parted just off center and falling in an effortlessly sexy wave over his forehead.

His tattoos, his piercings, even his bare feet are beautiful.

And he's just standing there, looking irresistible and grinning at you. You swear he's got a twinkle in his eye. Like he's been waiting for this all day.

The energy is contagious, and you find yourself smiling back at him.

As you take each other in, the first sparks of tension between you start to glow.

"Okay, sending that DM last night was the right move," you blurt out thirstily before you can stop yourself.

Instead of the smooth comeback or funny quip you expect, he barks a laugh, an open-mouthed smile of delighted surprise transforming his face. His reaction betrays a touch of endearing awkwardness. So far, the "international playboy" is not living up to his tongue-in-cheek nickname. And you like it that way.

You flush, more with excitement than embarrassment as you both recover yourselves.

"Hi," you say with a smile.

"Hello, Y/N," says Jeon Jungkook. "Black looks good on you."

A Touch of Gold | Jungkook x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें