Angry Artemis-Spitfire

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May 27th, 2014
Wally and Artemis' House

Wally goes inside his house.
Wally:Babe, I'm home.
He sees an Angry Artemis on the chair with her arms folded and staring him.
Wally:Hey Babe, you alright?
Artemis throws a bag at him.
Wally:Ow! Babe, what the heck.
Artemis starts throwing more stuff at Wally.
Wally runs and grabs Artemis.
Wally:Babe stop! What has gotten into you.
Artemis:Read the sign.
Wally:What sign?
Artemis points up.
Wally looks up and sees a sign that says "Happy 5th Anniversary, Wally and Artemis!"
Wally:Oh. I forgot.
Artemis:I know you forgot!
Artemis:All I ask for is one day, one!
Wally:Why do we have an anniversary, we're not even married.
Artemis:You don't have to be married in order to have an anniversary!
Wally:I didn't know that.
Artemis:I can't believe you, Wally. After I made you all this food as an anniversary gift.
Artemis uncovers the sheet on the table that has a lot of food on it.
Wally:Wow, Babe this looks great, I'm sorry I'll do anything.
Artemis:Too late Wally! I'm giving all this food to the dog!
Artemis gives all the food to Brucely.
Artemis:And you know what's funny! I said too late and yet you're the one with super speed.
Artemis goes to their bedroom.
Artemis:You're sleeping on the couch tonight!

Wally goes on his phone and calls Dick.
Dick:Hey Wally, what's up man?
Wally:I screwed up, Dick.
Dick:What's wrong?
Wally:I forgot mine and Artemis' anniversary.
Dick:Oh yeah, you definitely screwed up.
Wally:Then she gave all the food to the dog.
Dick:You know the funny thing is that Kori was the one to forget mine and her anniversary, and I forgave her for it.
Wally:That's because you're a good guy, Dick.
Dick:And you're saying Artemis isn't.
Wally:That's not what I meant.
Dick:Look dude, just make something and surely she'll forgive you.
Wally:Okay, thanks Dick.

The Next Morning.
Artemis walks in the kitchen and says Wally cooking pancakes.
Wally:Hey Babe, I made pancakes, you want some?
Wally:C'mon I know you want some?
Artemis:Fine but only one.
Artemis bites the pancake.
Artemis:Oh my God.
Artemis:This is the best pancake I have ever had.
Wally:I'm sorry.
Artemis:For what?
Wally:Y'know the anniversary.
Artemis:And I'm sorry for giving your food to Brucely.
They hug each other.
Wally:Awww, Hugs are nice.

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