The Bat and The Cat

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Before we start this story, I want to let you all know, Batman is my favorite superhero of all time.


April 22nd, 1998
Jewelry Store

Catwoman:Oooh. All of these are so pretty.
Catwoman starts stealing all of the jewelry.
Catwoman:Prettiest Diamond in the world.
Batman comes in.
Batman gives the BatGlare.
Catwoman:Well shit.
Catwoman starts running and Batman chases after her.
They both go on the rooftops.
Batman finally catches up to her and they both start fighting.
Catwoman:Woah! Slow down, sweetheart.
Catwoman:Strong and Silent Type, I like that.
Catwoman slashes Batman's chest.
Batman punches Catwoman.
Catwoman:Ow! How could you, you just hit a girl.
Batman:I'm sorry.
Catwoman kicks Batman in the stomach.
Batman then kicks Catwoman.
Catwoman falls off the rooftop until Batman grabs her.
Catwoman:You saved me. Why?
Batman:Because that's not the kind of Justice you deserve.
Catwoman:Well I won't be facing Justice.
Batman grabs Catwoman's arm.
Batman:You're not going anywhere.
Catwoman kisses Batman.
Catwoman gives Batman the Diamond.
Catwoman leaves.
Alfred:Sir, what happened? Did you catch the Thief?

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