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When he left the locker room, he came straight to me on the stands "Hey pretty girl, what do you want to do now?" immediately a smile appears on my face and he understands right away what I'm going to say next.

"We could go get some coffee" I say it and pout to try to convince him. He accepts and we walk side by side to his car.

Sitting side by side in the car with All to Well playing softly I look at him from the side and notice how attractive he looks right now with his hair still damp from the shower and his hands gripping the steering wheel just hard enough to make the veins in his arms pop.

I really don't know what this creature is doing to me, but it seems that from the moment he walked into my life, unannounced, the only thing I can do is think about him.

It's funny how he doesn't like, or better saying hates, coffee: the smell, the taste, the caffeine... However, as he knows it's something I simply adore, he doesn't even try to change my mind and just comes with me to get coffee whenever I wants it. I'm not sure, but if I didn't know him better, I'd say he even likes me a little.

"Quit starring" he says pulling me out of my world and I notice I've been watching him all this time. I know I'm fully blushing, so I shift and look out my window.

"I wasn't looking at you, don't flatter yourself" I say even though I know it's a big fat lie. "Of course, honey, wherever you say" he smirks, and I don't say anything, but I keep a smile on my face for the rest of the trip.

The little bell on the doorbell rings as we open the door and head for the counter, and I see the famous muffins at Anntonio's CoffeeShop, the most famous muffins on campus.

"Which one will you want?" "The chocolate one. No, wait, I change my mind, I want the apple and cinnamon one" he nods and points to a table in the corner of the room that is empty, as he already knows my coffee order by heart by now, I just go and sit at that table.

While I wait for him, I take in the homey atmosphere of Anntonio's CoffeeShop, my favorite coffeeshop on campus.

I'm so distracted that I don't even realize he's approaching until he puts a cup and a plate with two muffins, one apple and cinnamon muffin and a chocolate one in front of me. I frown in confusion.

"I just ordered ONE cupcake" "I know but just in case you would change your mind and you want two" he says as he takes a sip of his hot chocolate. "Well thank you very much Aaron Blackford" I say with a smile on my face. "Who is he?" he says with a frown, and I could have sworn that for a split second I saw a spark of jealousy in his eyes.

"Nobody important, probably just the best fiction prince charming slash co-worker slash boyfriend in the world" and for a moment we looked at each other very serious but ended up laughing out loud in the middle of a homemade coffeeshop, on the campus of a university in middle of nowhere. There we were laughing, talking, and enjoying each other's company for the rest of the afternoon...

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