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I wake up feeling the sunlight hitting my face and I keep my eyes closed. I stretch, lay down on the bed and enjoy the warm sunlight hitting my face, and it smells good, it smells like mint... Oh my god it smells like a man's aftershave...

I sit up quickly on the bed, too fast, and my head hurts. Please let me not be naked in a stranger's bed, but when I gather my courage and look away there he is: Vincent Walker, the captain of my college hockey team, the most popular guy on campus, and especially the person I don't get along with a probably spoiled, rich, conceited type....

Why? How? What did I do yesterday? And I start collecting fractions of memories from last night: The Hockey boys were going to have a big party at their house on campus to celebrate one of their 21st birthday, and for the last week the only thing you'd heard in the hallways was about this party.

Obviously, I didn't want to go, I hate closed spaces with lots of people, I don't normally drink and I hardly ever smoke, and I'm also horrible at socializing with new people so I'm the type of person who hates parties and prefers to spend her nights relaxed and comfortable, in bed with a good book.

But my roommate and best friend Emma was so insistent that I go to a party for once in my life that I did, I showered, shaved, wore a black dress short enough to make me feel sexy but covering my body enough to feel comfortable, I put on eyeliner and lipstick, straightened my hair, and left the house with Emma.

At first the party wasn't that bad, I met my friends there and we just danced for a while, but at one point I ended up accepting a drink Emma offered me, and it was so good that I wanted another, and another.

Later while I was dancing, I felt some hands on my waist, but I didn't care until someone whispered in my ear "I didn't know you danced so well" when I turn around its him, freaking Vincent Walker, the captain of the Hockey team.

If this had happened in a normal situation... well, it wouldn't have happened because Vincent and I don't frequent the same spaces, but if it had been in another situation I would have simply walked away.

However, the alcohol circulating in my veins has made me confident, and also quite horny so I simply smirked at him, turned around and continued dancing with his hands on my waist, ensuring that I rubbed "unintentionally" on his dick.

We danced for a while and his hands began to explore my body relaxedly and he asked if I wanted to "take the party to his room" and that's what we ended up doing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a virgin, I've been with a lot of people, it's just that he's not exactly my type and if anyone knows, the amount of girls crazy about him on campus will make sure that my life it's a misery.

Maybe he doesn't remember last night, to tell the truth he probably doesn't even know my name or who I am. So, I have to get out of this house as soon as possible. I start to get up trying not to make a noise so I don't wake him up, I gather my clothes scattered on the floor and start to get dressed.

"Why such a hurry?" his voice scares me and takes me out of my little world, and when I look in his direction there he is sitting on the bed with his torso uncovered making it incredibly difficult not to stare at his super defined body, looking at me waiting for an answer. "Fuck" I mutter under my breath as I continue to dress.

"I have to go" is all I have to say. "Don't you want to come back to bed? Today is Saturday, you don't have classes you can rest until later" why the hell is he trying to convince me to stay wtf... "I have to go" I repeat as I finish getting dressed. "Do you want me to take you home? I only need 5 minutes and I'm done" "No need, I'll walk" and I make my way to the door, but he gets in front of me, making it impossible for me to pass. "I'll take you, you're wearing heels, you're not walking home"

"You're not my boyfriend, actually you probably don't even know who I am so leave me alone, I won't even deny that last night sex was great, but what happened last night won't happen again, and you don't need to pretend you care about me" I say it all without breathing or taking my eyes off the floor, but when I finally look at him does he have a sad expression? almost as if I had hurt him...

"You're 22 and you're finishing Business Major, you always wear one of your vintage sweaters that you get in second-hand stores because you care about the environment and fast fashion and all that, and btw those sweaters are awful but inexplicably when it's you the one who's wearing it look beautiful to me. You like to read, you're actually obsessed with books you have a different book every week, last week it was the seven husbands, and this week you read the blue Ugly something. You are also addicted to coffee, but you only drink black coffee without sugar which perfectly matches the mood you have when you wake up, clearly you're not a morning person... Do you want me to continue?"

What just happened? How does he know so much about me? I thought he wasn't even aware that I existed... I think I'm lost in my thoughts for a long time because he nervously says "say something please"

"Stalker" is all that comes out of my mouth, but it's not enough for him because he continues to look at me with a doubtful, almost insecure gaze.

"How do you know so much about me?"

"Because... In the last semester we had a marketing class together, and I don't know, something about you caught my attention and from then on, I don't know why I started noticing you many times, in the cafe, in the hallways, sitting in the garden, outside the library..." he looks at me nervously

"Why did you never say anything to me?"

"Um, because I'm not stupid and I know perfectly well what people say about me out there and I know that's not what you want"


"I have a reputation for always hooking up at parties, always with a different girl every night, that I think I'm better than everybody else, etc."

"And isn't it true?" oops, it came out of my mouth without me being able to control it.

He looks at me hurt, and for some reason I feel like reaching out to caress his face, but I control myself and I don't.

"No of course not. Obviously, I'm aware of my popularity as captain of the hockey team, and that I go to a lot of parties, most of which are here at my house, but I never drink a lot, and I rarely bring a girl into my room, I'm not one of those guys who eats and throws away" he explains a little nervous pacing from one side of the room to the other.

"So... Yesterday when..."

"As I said a few months ago was when I noticed you, but I never thought I had any chance of meeting you because we don't have much in common, but yesterday when I saw you at the party, and you were dancing and you seemed relaxed, I couldn't control myself. and I went to you. From there you already know, but I never had any intention of hurting you"

I'm so shocked that I don't even know what to say, I mean... I never thought he was aware of my existence, let alone knowing so much about me, and wants to know even more.

It doesn't happen often but it left me speechless. And here I am, looking at one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen in my life, saying he wants to get to know me...

And suddenly I feel that instinct again to want to touch him, but this time I can't control myself I walk up to stand right in front of him and just kiss him. I kiss him again and again until we run out of air, and when I recover, I kiss him again putting my hands on his hair and neck to bring him closer to me, while his hands explore my body again and the last night's butterflies appear again.

He takes me to bed and when I come back to reality, we are naked again and he is on top of me with his face hidden in my neck making sure he will leave some memories of this day for when I look in the mirror later ...

And so we spent the rest of the day in bed, talking, laughing, and making love.

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