what a dream

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"Cocoa cookie,may I have this dance?"

"*chuckles*You may"

Mint choco cookie puts his hand on her waist as she puts her hand on his shoulder,the music was playing the most romantic tune a cookie could have ever hear in the whole earthbread history,as the music playing in the background mint choco cookie and cocoa cookie dance together,the room is full of love as cookies begin dancing with their loved ones

"Cocoa cookie... I.. nevermind"

"Ah!its ok take your time"

They dance in the middle of the room.. lost in the crowd together.. sharing their first dance together.. it is truly the most romantic night for them and some cookie's,as the song stop they smiled at each other

"if you have a minute.. can we talk about something at somewhere only we know?

"Oh sure!but wheəŕŕėé...."

As cocoa cookie was about to say something..her face suddenly melts,her eyes turn into pitch black,her dress seems to be glitching and melting?


Mint choco cookie tries to hold her but she keeps melting and turns into a puddle of a cocoa,mint choco cookie then cries trying to keep her back into a cookie form


he kept then scream for help but suddenly everyone is gone,the only one there is mint choco cookie and a puddle of cocoa..


Mint choco cookie then woke up from his slumber,turns out it was just a nightmare..

"Mint choco cookie?..are you okay?i heard your scream"(🥂)

"S-sparkling cookie?when did you got here?and how did you get in?-"(mint🍫)

"One of your bodyguards recognize me so he lets me in"(🥂)


"What's with the frown?are you ok?you also screamed earlier"(🥂)

"Im fine!i just had a nightmare... thats it.."(mint🍫)

"Do you want to talk about it?.."(🥂)

"I don't think i want to... "(mint🍫)

"Okay,i'll go make you a warm cup of peppermint tea,maybe it can clear your mind"(🥂)

"Thanks spark.."(mint🍫)

Sparkling cookie then left the room,mint choco can still remember the dream clearly,he can't get it out of his mind

"That dream...."
"Please don't be real..."

"Im back!and i got the peppermint tea!"(🥂)

"Thanks sparkling cookie *drinks it* its taste really good!"(mint🍫)

"Ofcourse!i made it after all"(🥂)

"Yeah,if i ever got married i want you to be the bartender and best men"(mint🍫)

"Awww thats so sweet of you,but you gotta find the bride first haha"(🥂)

"Haha yeah you're right"(mint🍫)1

"You better finsh it before it gets cold!you have  a big day today!"(🥂)

"Yeah you're right,geez feels like it was just last month i perform my first performance in front of audience in your bar.."(mint🍫)

"Yeah!and look at you!you went from a sad not so known cookie to a famous cookie!haha time sure flies"(🥂)

They laugh happily while joking it seems that mint choco cookie is feeling better now,as for cocoa cookie..

"Are you done yet darling?"(mont)

"Im ready!"(cocoa)

Cocoa then walks out the dressing room elegantly,as she walking the pass the light the beads and glitter seam to shine bright making it looks majestic and magical

"Oh great breadvens!you look like a princess!the most beautiful princess i have ever see!"(mont)

"Thank you!"(cocoa)

"Ok well if im not wrong theres supposed to be a price tag in the plastic,now dear you just stay there!no need to help i can find it myself!"(mont)

Mont blanc cookie said happily,she then search around the plastic for around 35 minutes and she finally found it,the total price is around 3600 coins!luckily cocoa cookie is a bit wealthy so she can buy the dress

Time skip to cocoa on her way

"Nice dress check!a congratulatory gift check!i should get going before its too late!"(cocoa)

"WATCH OUT!!"(chestnut cookie)


Suddenly a little kid came with a high speed on his bike,he bumped into cocoa while and drop all of the newspaper

"Yikes,the roads are super slippery!.."(chestnut)

"Oh dear!are you alright?"(cocoa)

"Ow ow ow.. my bike slipped!and all th enewspapers have fallen out... Oh no!!the snow is gonna ruin the paper!sugar ink stains are everywhere!"(chestnut)

"Here lemme help you with your tricycle!"(cocoa)

"B-but its super heavy!i loaded it with lots and lots of newspapers because I wanted to deliver the holiday news to every cookie..."(chestnut)

"Well,i think the two of us can easily lift it together!I'll grab this side and you can take that side!"(cocoa)


"One..two.. anddd three!"(cocoa)

"Oh wow!we did it!!thank you so much!let me give you one of my newspapers!it has all the latest news from the whole town!"(chestnut)

"Oh,im afraid i have to be somewhere else.i hope you deliver all of your newspapers in time!good luck!"(cocoa)

"Bye,kind and sweet cookie!"(chestnut)

Cocoa cookie than walks away,she's now at the cross walk path

"Oh my,look at the time!the concert is gonna start any minute now!i must hurry!"(cocoa)

"AHEM!this old dough... where in the oven am i?i should get out more often...chave i gone crazy or has everything changed!SOMEONE!help this old cookie find her way!"(cream)

"Um... do you need any help?"(cocoa)

"Why yes!yes indeed!so kind of you to ask. i'm trying to get to the tree of wishes,but i'm afraid im completely lost.ho ho..."(cream)

"Let me take you there!that big tree over there is the tree of wishes!"(cocoa)

"Oh?it was right in front of me!silly old me!OH DEAR!these roads are too slippery for an old cookie..."(Cream)

"Be careful!"(cocoa)


"Let me get that for you!"

Cocoa cookie then chases the cake hound all around and finally got the pouch

"Huff... huff... h-here are your jellies!"(cocoa)

"Thank you dear!if only my dough was fresher i would've chased that mutt myself!that's good that he gave it back though!"(cream)

"H-here's the tree of wishes!we're here,all safe and sound!"(cocoa)

"Ah yes!its as beautiful and wellgroomed like they say!thanks you for taking me all the way here!and oh my!look at the time!its getting dark!"(cream)


Cocoa then ran as fast as she could but the concert is too far but luckily there is one taxi available!then with mint choco cookie..

"Mint choco cookie!the concert is about to begin. Did you see the audience tonight?it's a full house!everyone is excited to hear you perform!"(conducter)

To be continue
(some lines in the story is from the cookie run comic in instagram and the game,i apologize if theres any incorrect words because english is not my first language)

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