ch 1

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The lights of paris blossomed under the glistening moon which was parted in two but never lost its beauty..

Going through all the buildings,skyscrapers and small shops... in the smaller part of the city there it was, a bakery named after the dupain chengs

A girl with raven hair and majestic blue bell eyes stood there waving at the car which just departed

Everyone knew who she was and so do we

Marinette dupain cheng

She was just about to go inside her homely bakery until she heard a loud thud

Was it a robber?...


Was it a certain cat that every civilian of paris knew about?

Marinette's pov

I started walking towards the area where the sound came from

Could someone be in trouble? I need to help them

I heard few whimpers and moans of pain , who could it be?

"W-who's there? Are you hurt? Do you need any h-help?"

I walked a bit closer and my body stopped , my heart started racing , I was sweating and shaking

No please no , not today... why today? when I don't even have my parents around to help me

The person infront of me was him.. the murderous villain of paris... chat blanc

But right now he didn't looked even close to threatening instead..

he looked vulnerable like a white cat in need of comfort,shelter,food and most importantly... affection

"S-STAY AWAY...p-please", his voice was so low that I barely heard it... 

I can't leave him here like this he is severely Injured i swear ill die with guilt if I leave him here , even as a villain he deserved protection and love

So I began to walk close but that poor kitten just scooted away he tried to give me a glare but the only thing that came out was a frightened face.

"Come here kitty I swear I don't eat cat flesh", I giggled to make him feel safe I mean friendly gestures always work right? he stopped scooting away and paused for a moment.

"Don..t..hurt", he tried to speak again , God he looked so scared that I almost got an urge to pull him in for a hug and never let go

"I won't chat blanc trust me, okay?"

I slowly reached out for his hand and held him like a mother holding her child trying to help her child achieve the baby 's first steps

He suddenly grabbed my hand tight , like he never wanted to let go

He wrapped himself around me so closely that for a second it looked like his life depended on me

We slowly started walking towards the bakery ..

I felt a little tug, I looked behind and caught chat blanc looking at the pastries kept on the showcase, God he looked so adorable I might just fall for him right here,right now

"You want those chat blanc?", I chuckled softly while walking towards the showcase to get the pastries in a tray

"", he whispered again while his eyes shimmered with excitement

I smiled and reached the the cupboard to get some trays while he stood there quietly watching me

I took out some pastries,some snacks and started walking towards my room but I couldn't hear foot steps walking behind so I looked back to see if he was okay ,he was standing there extending his hand towards me.. waiting for me

To hold his hand again..

"Uh-huh?", I smirked while holding his hand again and led him towards my room.

After some time...

I spent the whole night treating his wounds..guess I'll have to skip school Tommorow

"O..u" he let out a whimper

Dang it,can this cat get any cuter?

"So chat where do you prefer to sleep? Bed or couch?", I questioned while making the bed

" fine" He whispered..

God he needs to be protected,doesn't he?

So precious

"You are staying with me for now", I spoke sternly

His ears perked up and glistened with joy

"W...hat...rea..lly?", he uttered feebly in disbelief

"Yes , make yourself at home"

he tried to smile his attempts were cute but his smile was rather....creepy

Before I knew it he jumped, landed straight on me and hugged me tightly well.. that felt nice

"T..hank...y...ou" he thanked me in a hushed tone

After some time..

I was combing his hair with my hands as we cuddled peacefully,  I swear I've been trying to get away from his grasp but he would start shaking whenever I let him go

I gave up eventually

his state was so pitiful.. why did he gave away his trust to me so easily he seems like he has went through alot .. but I am glad anyways , though I won't lie even if it seems that I've calm down around him it's so not like that.. I am freaking out so bad..if I fall asleep it's probably my body and mind giving out from all the shivers I've been getting I mean it's not my fault I am scared,is it? A dang criminal is sleeping ever so cutely and not to mention ON ME ,he might kill me any second..maybe in my sleep , maybe when I wake up or even worse.. right now but.. even with all this

Tommorow is another day I wonder how it would go without my parents while coping with a white cat ...

Next part coming up 26th March..

coping with A white cat Where stories live. Discover now