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I wanted to write something wholesome so yea there we go

Chat blanc was sitting timidly on the pink cushioned chair near the dining area, he was looking around the house as much as he could while sitting there but it looked more like he was scanning the place than admiring it

"Alright breakfast is ready , here you go", marinette said while pushing the plate filled with delicious pancakes towards the cat who eyed it like a hawk

He literally jumped on the food as soon as marinette sat down

She stared at him with pity "poor chat blanc he must've been starving for months or even years I wonder when was the last time he ate",she wonders to herself

chat being a person with cat instincts noticed her stares and takes a quick glance before diving back to his precious food ,he knew manners were important but he was starving

In seconds the food was gone but he wanted more his hunger had no limits by the time he finished but all he could do was stare at marinette hoping she would get the hint,At first she stares at him without a clue then suddenly her face changes into an expression chat blanc hoped to see

She stood up and went to get some more snacks

She started walking towards their preservation area where they usually keep their extra pastries and snacks then she stopped but why did she stop? Why does this place looks so familiar yet so different now? She walks here everyday , she sees this place everyday so what's so special about today? She quickly turns her head towards chat blanc sitting like a toddler waiting for his food while playing with his hands for a moment instead of white she But why? She shook her head and hastily takes out some snacks for that hungry cat but the thought of him in black still remains picture in her mind..

Everyone knows chat blanc is a criminal but who he really is? Why did he choose the path of evil? What does his past contain? Does his past explains his present? How was he before he turned his way of life?

The real question for marinette was

Who was chat blanc?


She peered at chat blanc with her eyes wide open "w-what did you just say" she asked him in disbelief

"food" Chat blanc had sparkles around him just as proud of himself as much as mari was

she smiled ever so brightly "YOUR FIRST WORD WITHOUT YOUR VOICE BREAKING! SAY IT AGAIN I NEED TO MAKE A VIDEO"she squealed and started sprinting here and there desperately trying find her phone to record his first word the whole scene looked just like

Watching her beaming with excitement it made chat blanc happy too "she is proud of me.." he thought while smiling to himself.

They did alot of things that day from modeling-

"Don't move I need to stitch this part.. I SAID DONT MOVE"


"FOOD" he yelled with excitement

"Yes I know chat good job but you can stop repeating food over and over again" she replied looking fully worn out

"Food food food food food food food" he kept repeating the word he was proud of

"Find your happy place mari , find your happy place" she whispered to herself while massaging her temples

-to cooking....

She looked at him peeking at a corner then she sighed "you burnt it again didn't you" she says with a tired giggle

He nods and blushes with embarrassment as it was his 49th time he burned the croissants , she told him to try something more simpler but the albino wanted things his way and also because he really liked croissants


-Almost every indoor thing a normal person stuck in pandemic does....
Looking at those moments guess marinette forgot that he was the most treacherous villain of paris and chat forgot that he was injured

That day..oh that day was so joyful for both of them , chat kept doing things to make marinette proud his heart just felt so happy and light whenever he saw her smiling or squealing when he does even the smallest things like washing the dishes or catching a ladybug and mercilessly killing it. Seems like they almost forgot , HE almost forgot that not every good thing stays for long

The day falls and night time brings moon with the sea of glimmering stars

Marinette was sleeping soundly , she looked awful with snot running down her face and as well as a stream of spit , dark circles from babysitting chat the whole day

There chat blanc sat, looking at an empty plate on the dining table

She forgot to give me my food...

yes another late chapter LESS GO
Short chapter.. I know

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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