ch 2

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Chat blanc's pov

Warm.. I feel warm,It's been years since such feeling came to me

who is this girl?

She looks familiar...almost like that girl from my dreams but she was masked                 

Raven hair, blue eyes, flat chest... is it possible?

"C-chat blanc you are shivering"

what's wrong with me ?

Is she gone? Did that stranger leave me as well?
Of course... I should learn it by now,Nothing good stays for long


Oh she is here..right here...still here


Stupid cat? Have I heard this name before? Everything about her feels familiar,  is she a part of my lost memories? ...I don't want to know, it would just hurt me more. She doesn't seems to remember me as well.. guess I am just overthinking , I mean it's been a while since...since that incident

The only thing I remember from my past


"huh?" I finally snapped out of my thoughts only to find my hands clawing marinette's exposed stomach

"Finally ! You can't seriously be a human , A CAT , AN IDIOTIC CAT!" she yelled while pulling her shirt down which was half way ripped and something


I pulled her lifeless body and held it for my dear life ,horrified with the result my weakness caused...I should've been more careful I am useless ... so useless, blood.. blood everywhere her body full of scars and scratches fresh and old

"NO NO NO NO NO i-i am so s-sorry...sorry m' princess ..please p-please wake up.. scold me no.. beat me for being an idiot , for being the worst partner..."

I don't like this please someone take me away I don't want to be here anymore...
That memory... I feel exhausted.. I want this to end already

Help this pathetic cat ,whoever this 'm'lady' or 'princess' is..please help me..

Third persons pov

Marinette's eyes opened wide as chat passed out right on her lap

" Chat blanc? CHAT BLANC! "

She started to panic , she didn't know why but she felt like she can't let him pass out like that . Her guts told her he might die and that fact bothered more than ever but why?

She held him close even though her heart was racing as she was still afraid of him , their situation was pitiful

She started comforting him and chanting some what sweet words to him while all he did was shiver and hiss in pain,all of this felt useless but there was nothing she could do more than that

Physical pain can be cured but mental pain is something we can never leave behind

Both of them were unknown to eachother yet so close

At that moment it felt like the only thing which was separating them was a thin wall,giving up so much trust isn't a good thing..then why did it felt so right to chat blanc when he laid on marinette's arms?

Two young souls both distracted and shallow

None of them had their thoughts together

So different yet so familiar
Had history together? no one knew

Oh but who cared anyways it was just a moment of kindness

That night went by like a spark well.. people prefurred it to happen so, no one dared to come out at night because the moon now could do nothing but bring bad memories


"Its you and me against the world m'lady"
"are you going to abandon me?"
"Haha what a cat-astrophic situation"
"Hello I am hawkmoth"
"My prince..."
"I-i am sorry"
"Je t'aime adri-"

Chat blanc's eyes snapped open , sweating with fear
He started looking around and to his surprise marinette was beside him sleeping with a drool running down her mouth , her shirt still ripped but the wounds have been treated

He sighed and wiped the drool from her face

"" he whispered, it's been years since he spoke so freely that's why he lacked the ability to speak fluently

He was about to leave but something inside him told him that he was forgetting something, thinking over it he finally came to a conclusion . He leaned towards marinette and gave a small peck on her cheek

I hope she won't mind if I come to visit her sometimes, would I need an excuse to do so? Wait didn't she tell me that I can stay here?.. I don't want to be a bother though, but what if she worries about me? No wait why would she? But what if..?.. darn it..what do I do now? ..I give up

Thinking that He slipped beside her again not noticing that the ravenette was already awake..

Some moments later

He woke up again but this time his little lady wasnt there



Were the thoughts that rushed to his mind

"Guess the cat is awake, correct timing though I was about to make break fast"

His head snapped towards her as his eyes shone with glee, she isnt dead..nor she left

A sigh of relief escaped from him happy to find her presence near him again

"So what do you want to eat , pancakes? Cereal? Scrambled eggs with bacon? Oh do you like vegetables?"

He meant to say pancakes would be fine but due to his lack of practice the only thing came out was ""

"Alright then well if you want to fresh up the bathroom is there" she said while pointing towards the door which led to the bathroom," I'll call you when the pancakes are done okay?"

Chat blanc nodded while making his way towards the bathroom door

Marinette sighed ," today is going to be a long day." She spoke to herself.

Let's make pancakes for that cat first , I wonder if he likes blueberries and maple syrup. Babysitting such cat would be difficult

Little did she know that the work which she is referring as 'babysitting' would turn out to be something more intense

"Let's see how this day goes,it surely won't be the same as others" Chat blanc spoke to himself in his mind

Sorry I lost the track of time which is why this chapter is being published a little late
This is my first book, so please go easy on me

coping with A white cat Where stories live. Discover now