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Kiara sat down on the couch, the crackers and spray cheese still out. That same pit of anxiety was settled in her stomach and the urge to vomit was strong. Usually, the apartment was peaceful, filled the drugs and sometimes sex, but peaceful. It wasn't like what she was used to.

The one-room held a small kitchen, a bathroom off to the corner that was hidden by a large curtain she'd managed to hang to the walls. It was a grimy apartment and it always kind of smelled like mold and overall dampness to it. The walls must have been white at one point, but she didn't know what that was, nor what the stains on them were even composed of. Now they were yellow. Maybe it was smoke that turned the walls yellow. Either way, it wasn't something that Kiara was necessarily proud of.

Still, she had no other options. It wasn't like she could really do any better. Sure, she had an enormous amount of money sitting in a bank account, but she couldn't exactly go anywhere with it. It's not like other countries really recognized the people from Madripoor - especially with her past. And she knew somewhere her name and her face were on not only a no-fly list but a no-green card list. In fact, a list that probably would get her shot on sight if she went to the wrong country.

Kiara sighed and leaned against the back of the couch. It'd been a while since she had seen Sam, a different life, really. The last time she saw him, she was headed back to Madripoor to finalize the details of her latest assignment. But that was before everything happened and before her morals slipped away. Now it didn't matter who she killed, as long as there was a sizable price tag on their head. She'd taken out political leaders from developing nations that liked power a little too much, a few terrorist groups that started getting a little too handsy with people that belonged to another country. But now it didn't matter.

She did have some morals left, which is why she didn't take the bounty for Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. The ladder she didn't necessarily care about, but Sam was so kind to her when they found themselves in trouble. And despite her abilities, she was too weak to do anything. He had helped her.

"Son of a bitch," Kiara muttered, kicking back the coffee table and letting out an angry grunt. The anxiety bubble turned into guilt, and that was something that was unbearable to Kiara. She could express any emotion without it affecting her, without her needing to act on a feeling. But guilt was pretty strong, especially for someone that she halfway liked.

The idea of her being able to pull weight on this so-called mission didn't come till later, till after the cocaine made its way through her body and she had eaten enough crackers and spray cheese.

If she were to help them and then, in turn, be helping the President of the United States, perhaps that meant she could go home. Leverage like this could get anyone home, surely it worked with other people before. Hell, Bucky Barnes got pardoned and he committed terrorist attacks against the United States itself.

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