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87 miles north of northern greenland

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87 miles north of northern greenland

After a dinner that was less than to be desired, Kiara took a long hot shower. She had only just finished brushing her teeth after the shower when the lights began to flicker, and then they finally shut off. The hum of the air silenced and she looked around the dark room.

"Fuck me," She whispered, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Her hair was still damp and she pulled it into a bun. Her body ached at the end of the day, her ribs were only a bit sore and her arm was healing nicely. Still, it ached.

Blindingly, she used her hand on the wall to lead her back to the sleeping room, where she heard Bucky moving things around.

"It's going to get really, really cold in here fast," Bucky warned her. "With the power out, it'll probably go down to mid-forties, high-thirties in here."

"I'm going to kill myself," Kiara mumbled, finding her bed in the dark. No more words were exchanged between the two of them, as Kiara slid underneath the covers and fell asleep within a few minutes.

Although, her slumber didn't last long. A few hours later she woke up shivering. Bucky was right, the temperature had dropped dramatically and quickly. The thick wool blankets helped, but it wasn't enough. Her hair hadn't dried all the way either.

With chattering teeth, she turned on her side and tried to find Bucky in the dark. When she did and she couldn't tell if he was asleep or not, she whispered his name.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"It's cold. I can't sleep." She said.

She heard him sigh, "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Should we sleep in the same bed, to conserve body heat?" She asked him.

"Goodnight, Kiara,"

She sighed and turned to lie on her back. She wished that Sam was here because he would've said yes. And then she wouldn't be as cold. But Sam wasn't here, and she was stuck with Bucky, who she had a confusing friendship with. Still, it would be easier if it was Sam.

Kiara had just turned around and balled herself up, trying her best to ignore the cold, when she heard another sigh from Bucky and then, "Fine, come over here."

She didn't need to be told twice. His bed was only slightly warmer than hers, but she knew it would warm up quickly. They were only the size of twin beds after all. She tried her best not to touch him too much but the bed was small and she couldn't help it in some places.

"If Sam was here this could be the intro to a bad porno," Kiara said as she settled herself.

"Shut up, Kiara," Bucky said, turning over so his back was facing her.

Kiara laughed quietly and looked over at the back of his head, "What would happen if we don't wake up tomorrow?"

"We would be dead,"

"That would be so funny if Sam came back and we had frozen to death. I would love to see his reaction to that," Kiara laughed again and smiled bigger when she heard him laugh a bit too.

It fell silent after that, and the bed was getting warmer. Still, every part of her skin that was exposed was freezing, so she tucked everything but her head underneath the blankets. Her mind filled with thoughts of polar bears, giant sharks, and frozen bodies as she tried to sleep. But it was hopeless for her.

About twenty minutes had passed when she nudged Bucky's side, "Are you asleep?"


"I just wanted to say thank you, for taking care of me, even though I know you don't like me all that much. It was really nice, you're a nice guy. Is this what the Avengers do?"

"I wouldn't know," Bucky replied, turning around so he was facing her, "Half of them wanted me dead five years ago."

Kiara mimicked his actions, "More like eight, since you blipped," She said, earning a smile from him.

"What happened to you during the blip? How did you even become a bounty hunter anyway?" Bucky asked.

Kiara frowned slightly and breathed deeply. "I don't know. Something inside me just broke. And so many people dusted that didn't deserve it. I don't know... I'd never felt so alone. Even though I always was."

It was quiet for a moment before Bucky spoke, "The only person I ever had was my best friend. Now he's gone and I know I have Sam but it's not the same. But... I don't know, I guess I'm alone too."

Kiara nodded in understanding, feeling tears pick at her eyes a bit. But she blinked them away and tried to find Bucky's face in the dark. "I don't want to be alone anymore."

The bed dipped down as Bucky moved and Kiara barely had any time to react before she felt him come closer and press his lips against hers. Her body stilled in shock for a moment, but it was just enough time for Bucky to realize and he pulled away, breathing heavily.

A moment of silence passed between them before Kiara grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and pulled him closer. When their lips touched again Kiara moaned quietly at the pressure and she pulled him even closer to her. She wrapped her arm around him, threading her fingers through his hair.

Words didn't need to be exchanged between the two of them, as they both worked at ridding their pants. Almost as soon as she spread her legs for him, he was there, filling her up slowly.

Kiara moved her arms to wrap around his neck, pulling him into another kiss. When she wrapped her legs around his waist and he hit deeper at such an agonizingly slow rate, she used that kiss to stifle her moan. When she couldn't take it anymore and pulled away from the kiss to breathe, Bucky rested his forehead against the top of her shoulder.

Each slow, steady movement hit Kiara differently and the bare feeling of his skin against hers was enough for her body to shake and come undone several times before he found his own release.

The physical effect he had over her left her breathless and with eyes that could barely stand to stay open. When he lay beside her again, she wrapped herself between his arm and chest, breathing deeply with exhaustion as sleep quickly found the two of them.

hope you liked the chapter ;)

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