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El Cóndor A

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El Cóndor A.I.M base

After nearly a day, Kiara still lay curled in a ball. No food or water was given to the prisoners, and without sunlight, Kiara felt as if she was ready to join the dead. Her body had given up, her mind had given up. She just wanted to go to sleep.

Across the hall, Bucky watched her and he watched Sam. He watched the never-ending surrounding agents that watched him tirelessly. Always with guns pointed at his two friends. The second it would take him to get through the metal bars is the same second it would take them to pull the trigger. He didn't have to guess that it would be a kill shot for the both of them, and then what would be the point of him getting out? Besides, bullets could kill him too.

Tossing a piece of broken concrete anger, Bucky looked back up at Kiara. She hadn't moved since the day before and his stomach was twisted in worry. At least Sam had spent the last twenty or so old hours trying to get the guards to talk to him. But Kiara, no. She had given up. And Bucky was worried about what that meant.

The former soldier wasn't sure how long it had been when a few extra agents showed up and their cells were opened. More guns were aimed at Sam and Kiara, and Bucky had to stop himself from attacking the man that roughly pulled Kiara to her feet.

"Let's go. Captain wants to see ya," The man said, pushing Kiara so roughly that she fell. When her knees hit the ground and her eyes pricked with tears, she willed the light around her to disguise her, to hide her away. But she couldn't. The extra day without the sun had left her powerless. Something A.I.M had known and used to their advantage. However the captain was, they knew exactly who Kiara was.

"Don't touch her," Sam yelled, taking a step forward to help Kiara to her feet.

Bucky fisted his hand, looking at the man who had pushed her to begin with. A shaved head and vine tattoos up his neck formed a swastika. He was missing a tooth. His hand ached with a need to kill the man, but with all the guns on him and his friends, he knew it was an idiotic idea. He hoped he would have another chance.

After being handcuffed, with special cuffs around Bucky to disarm the metal one, they were led up onto the next level and brought into a spacious-looking office, with dark mahogany walls and Nazi memorabilia hung up on the walls. If it didn't include technology from this century, it would've looked straight out of the Godfather.

Bucky's eyes widened when he saw the furthest wall back was made up entirely of twelve-foot glass. Not only that but behind the glass was an aquarium with hundreds of fish, stingrays, and sand tiger sharks swimming around the massive tank.

"Always quite the impression," A middle-aged man standing by the tank said. "I picked these sharks up right off the coast as pups; couldn't believe how easy it was to raise them in captivity." He continued.

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