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Hey Guy's holy crap it has been forever since ive written a fan fiction. If you want to read my other Harringrove story please check my profiled. The book is called I was never supposed to fall for you, It is complete.

  I will warn you there might be a little smut later👀

Now let's begin shall we.

P.o.v Steve


I groaned as I banged my head on the palm of my hand of course  I was on shirt's AGAINST Billy. 

Billy always killed me on the court but if i was being honest to myself I liked being against billy,  Billy was so so- ugh the coach blew the whistle and it was my turn on the court. I walked to my spot and stared across at billy. The coach looked back and forth at us before saying ̈ No rough play okay boys" Billy grunted and I nodded a Yes. 

When the  coach blew the whistle the game began, I jumped trying to get to the ball first when I managed to hit the ball away from him he glared at me. I smiled I loved when I did better then Billy. 

As the Practice game continued I at one point was forced to face him again when I got the basket my team erupted Hugging me and patting me on the back. 

We had won the practice game meanwhile Billy's team was glaring at us I flipped them off and my team followed in pursuit. The Coach couched and looked at us "good job guy's go hit the showers" Then he looked at billy's team disapprovingly and told them to do 5 laps around the  gym.

After I hit the shower and was just starting to pull my clothes on Billy's team came in they were sweating and grumpy. The boy beside Billy caught my eye, He was swearing but patting Billy on the back. Billy Shrugged him off as he shoved one of the other team mates out of the way.

I Looked the other way, hoping that Billy hadn't seen me staring, If you got caught staring at a boy in the changing room you would be shamed then they would kick you out of the change room while they told the entire school. I shivered If that happened MY father would kick me out... If he was ever around.

Just as I was about to leave the change room billy started walking towards me  a towel tied around his hips. My eyes hesitated at he chest for a heartbeat to long

I tore my gaze and looked up at him I smirked: "ahhh you don't like losing do you" Billy snarled "Fuck you Harrington it was just luck" I raised my eyebrow my hair was starting to frizz up from the heat "Now now don't be a sore loser" the group around me and billy started to grow. Before long I was surrounded by people who would take Billy's side if something was to happen.

I had three choices 

1- I could fight Billy while throwing a bunch of good Insults and Hopefully win. I thought about that one BUT if I did happen to win against billy his friends would definitely have it out for me. my team mate's would take my side and that would cause a full blown brawl in the middle of the Gym washroom.

2- I could fight Billy and lose on purpose In THAT case there would be very little fighting because Billy would walk away all Happy and My group would make sure I was okay before fighting or at least thinking about fighting.

3- I could just bolt would just which would have them running after me. Nobody would care If I did bolt but if I got caught oh Jesus It would NOT be good. 

I gulped what should I do? fournatley for me the gym coach walked into the changing room breaking us up the coach coughed and said "There Isn't a problem here boys is there" He started so hard that none of us even had the gut to say yes that or snitch on each other instead we nodded. I turned around and walked out the Gym door.

That was way to close I thought to myself. The bell rang and the classes where dismissed for Lunch as everyone pilled out I sighed and went to my normal spot behind the school.


Okay that's all for now hopefully the next chapter will be longer.

All critsism is Welcome.



Why Did I have to fall so hard? (Harringrove)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz