No namer

556 8 15

P.O.V Steve


I stood in the darkness of the closet trying to take deep breaths to calm myself. ¨ What the hell just happened" I whispered to nobody. The door opened and light poured in on me I squinted "Hargrove?" 

"Yes don't cream your pants I forgot the towels and the teacher is losing her shit over how you didn't come in wit-" I knew what I was about to do was wrong but fuck it.

I grabbed Billy and yanked him forward the door closed behind him. My Lips crushed into his, I had him pinned up against the closest wall. My hands adventured up to his hair. I felt Billy's hands go into my hair. Then he yanked my head back, letting us breathe I couldn't see much in that dark "room" but Billy was pissed.  "You horny bastard, do you really think I'm going to let you top me"?

With that, I was thrown against the wall, Billy slammed both hands down by my head "Tell anyone and I'll kill you" 

Billy slammed his lips down on mine seconds later he ripped off my shirt. My hands ventured under his shirt "Scared"? he asked when I didn't rip his shirt off. I wasn't sure how to answer that so I just stayed silent as Billy nibbled on my neck.

He stopped and I let out a groan and tried to pull him back. He ripped off his shirt and threw it on top of mine. I almost burst when he picked up one of my legs and pinned it to his waist. He started to rub against me and I moaned...Loud.

Billy rubbed his waist against me harder and I had to bite his shoulder to stop me from groaning so loud. 

Billy then started to unbuckle my pants, the entire time as he massaged my dick I felt a mixture of pleasure and guilt, I had been moaning but billy hadn't even made a sound.

I dropped onto my knees, and Billy's hand slipped from my pants. I struggled with his belt for a moment before finally slipping it off, pulling down his pants and underwear.

I took a deep breath and started to deep throat him, I gagged but billy started to groan and push my head further.

Billy moaned loud and I got a boner just sucking him off. "God damn it Harrington your *ahh* good at this," He said between groans. "Thank you" I tried to say but I ended up mumbling "thadnk yoi" 

Billy started thrusting harder into my mouth and then he came. I groaned and dropped to the floor cum seeping out of my mouth. 

I felt a hand slowly yank my hair up, I looked up at him "Good boy Harrington now want a treat"

My face started to redden he was so serious about this, how could someone say that and not flinch? I nodded with embarrassment and Billy yanked me up to a standing position. 

He pressed me against the wall and started to pull my pants down he turned me around and started playing with my ass. Before  I could get comfortable or even process what was happening Billy shoved into me. I groaned and billy slapped a hand over my mouth his other hand went onto my lower back slowing pushing me forward so I was bent over. 

My hands planted on the wall, he thursted his hips into me and I groaned into his hand he nibbed at my shoulder blades. Then he picked up the pace and I moaned. 

After we finished I was a crumpled ball on the ground Billy looked me up and down. "Get dressed" I crawled because I couldn't walk to the crumpled clothes on the ground. When I got to the pile of clothes billy smashed my face into his crotch just for a second before letting me go.I got dressed and tried to stand my legs were shaking but I still managed to get up. Billy opened the closet door with towels in hand winked at me and walked out.

I stayed in the darkness of the closet for a moment before walking back to class, my mind racing and my ass sore.


Yepp I'm back, for now, told you I had plans. :)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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