Don't want to fall.

846 9 6


My chest throbbed I groaned, why in the hell did I think that was a good idea? Mouthing off to Billy like that. I kinda wished that he had kicked me harder, maybe that would have knocked some sense into me.

I stood up and brushed off my chest I looked down and saw how exposed my chest was I sighed not even bothering to button it up I just patted my pockets for a cigarette, lit it and let the smoke pour out of my mouth.  My mind was blank only for a moment, out of nowhere a picture of billy flashed across my eyes I blinked then rubbed my eyes. What the fu- another photo came into focus it was Billy's lips, the next was of Billy's the chest the next was what i imagined Billy's di- 

I stopped myself and groaned. Damnit I banged my head against the wall and almost simutanasily the bell rang I sighed could I- nope can't do that or I'll fail and my dad would yell at me. I used my hand as an ash tray I felt my skin burn and bit the bottom of my lip. the pain faded all I felt was a prickling. I opened my eyes that I hadn't even realized that id closed. 

I dropped the cigarette and the memories of Billy disappeared with the smoke. When I got to the classroom I quickly buttoned up my shirt and then stepped inside.  Billy was already in the classroom talking about something way too loud. When I entered the classroom a girl squealed my name "steve omg i was so worried" another asked, "where were you are you okay".  I nodded "yes I'm fine I just needed some air" i noted how horse my voice was and that i had to be careful for that next time i decided to smoke in school.

The girls noticed this, glared at each and ran away I sighed and went back to my spot it was right in the middle. Almost as soon as my Ass touched the chair Billy appeared his gang literally on his Own ass. I smirked up at him "yes" billy didn't have the time to say a snarky comeback because the two girls who had been talking to me earlier came back with water in their hand. "here Steve" the other pushed the cup in front of my face "hey I got here first" Billy looked at me with amusement.

Then out of the blue, they started to argue and fight the water in their hands went flying splashing both me and Billy I stood up "what the Hell" both of the girls instantly went silent they stared at me in horror "I'm so sorry" one sounded like they were about to cry the other one was crying.

The teacher walked into the room and looked at me and Billy who were soaking wet he groaned and rubbed his hand over his face "I don't get paid enough for this" He put his stuff on the table and coughed. Taking the attention from the soaking wet boys and to himself, I had to admit i was grateful for that"

"Billy, steve go get some paper towels and clean yourself up" we both nodded and bolted out of the classroom. As soon as we rounded the hallway we started howling at each other. "It was your fault" billy roared at me I looked at him with shock "My fault, how?" I couldn't restrain I added a snarky comment "I didn't see any girls fighting over you" 

 Billy grumbled when we got to the Mob closet I opened it and started to rummage around in It looking for the paper towel. Suddenly the buzzer rang and our principal's voice rang out "school please initiate school lockdown i repeat please initiate school lockdown procedure"

I glared at billy and grabbed him by the shirt dragging him into the closet my hand reached for the door and we were engulfed in darkness. I pressed against him damn this closet is so fucking small billy grunted "move your fa-" then his voice faded it took me a second to realize why and when I did my face turned bright red.  I felt billy shift and I bit my tongue I gasped when I felt billy's hand brush my dick which was bulging in my pants he brushed his hand over it again this time pressing hard I groaned. I could hear Billy laugh "oh this is going to be good" I gulped, and Billy started to play with my pants line I knew I was screwed "Billy fucc-" he shoved his hand down my pants, and with his other hand he pulled me closer I could make out his face. He was smirking "don't resist Harrington I know you want this" I gulped 


Well this is definatly one way to announce IMMMM BACKKKKK.

YA ;)


Why Did I have to fall so hard? (Harringrove)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu