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It was very late last night, scrolling trought her phone in her bed as she usually did while waiting for her brother to come home after his job. It was unnecesary, he has the keys for the house, but she liked to do it anyway, talking to him was easier than in the mornin.

But, it wasn't only that tonight, she couldn't sleep, there was something that could keep even her tired eyes awake, and it was a dog, there was a dog in the first floor, very small and fat dog, but the dog was sick, very close to dead if tomorrow they didn't get to operate the dog illness.

She feel sick thinking about it, and could no longer focus on the text she was reading in her phone. This was a stupid thing to stay awake, she knew they would get the dog for the operation tomorrow, it would be fine. But that didnt help to ease her now growing fear.

The dog was in pain, she also knew this, trying to only look her phone wasnt working, and for a moment her sight went a bit to the side, in the darkness of the door frame she saw two bright dark eyes, glaring at her, she could swear she heard the dog cries.

That was when everything got too much, leaving the phone to her side, she started tearing up as she quickly covered head with the blanket, curling into a ball, graping to her ears like it would stop the sound, clenching her teeth so much she could hear a ring in her head.

She felt hot, it was like her fan wasn't blowing already or the rain that had made her legs cold has stopped, her breathing felt wrong, exhaling too much for the little air that she was breathing in, trying to count wasnt working as another cry was heard. She needed her earphones, music could help.

But she couldn't dare to look or get up, she felt those eyes looking at her, closing hers as tears fell down, fingers tapping the back of her head trying to block all the sounds, her teeth was hurting like the feeling of burning in her neck, but she couldn't stop clenching them.

This was so stupid, so so stupid, she knew nothing of what she was seeing could be real. But the fear of looking, and that cry she heard sometimes between the minutes was enough to stop all type of reassure she could think of, making her heart race like if she was in danger.

After a while she tried to calm herself: the dog was sleeping, sleeping downstairs, they couldn't go up here because they were sick, and they were going to be okay, tomorrow they would feel better, she doesn't need to worry.

The crying was in her head, it had been quite a time since she had problems with sounds that were coming from anywhere, but it was that, she didnt know where sound came from, "What else could be?" She thought while her hands stopped pressing their ears, now cleaning her eyes from the tears that were falling.

She keep repeating this while trying to not cover their ears again it would only make her hurt more, time to time talking from the day would start overlaping over her thoughts, it was from the fight they had earlier about taking care of the dog, she took a deep breath trying to ignore the constant coments over the topic.

She opened her eyes after the crying cease, there was only her room with her little brother sleeping in the highest bed, she let her eyes slip to the door frame now nothing there, she felt better, even if her teeth were still clenching hard and her neck keep burning, it was okay.

Looking the roof she kept slowing breathing, she felt tired, but she didn't care, she really really didn't care, right now all she wanted was stop thinking.


Remembering something from a night while i swept the living room

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