Chapter Twenty Six

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"Hi..." Huda beams as her cheeks rose in happiness while descending down the stairs.

Yusuf that stood by the foot of the stairs, rose his eyes from his phone then set his calm gaze on her. And just like any other day, that addictive soft smile is on it which further made Huda's face widen with a smile.

"How was your day?" She asked casually fondling with her fingers standing with just two steps between them.

"Good!" Yusuf responded nonchalant giving her a quick gaze and just like any other day, she is in her long hijab that is swiping the floor.

"Or stressful." Huda said joyfully. "Anwar couldn't stop telling me all about his day."

"He is a charmer." Yusuf mumbles while slipping his free hand to his pocket with a smirk clearly because of the memory from this afternoon.

"The nursing station can't wait to have him back."

"I will gladly let him go back cause he seems to enjoy it a lot but...." Huda trail hesitant with her eyes down before she sighed looking at him and said. "Am sure he is going to be a nuisance to you."

Yusuf just scoff with a broken smile on his lips. How he wish she didn't have to say that word. He is having a rough time already. And his exams is coming up which is further sending him on edge.

"How is your grandma?" He asked changing the topic while fixing his gaze on her.

Huda sighed heavily while dropping her hands as she lend on the banister. Her smile immediately died down which didn't go unnoticed by Yusuf with her whole composure becoming stiff.

"She is fine." Huda mumbles out as she blinks her eyes while trying to block her thought from the events of the afternoon. "A lot better actually." She added.

Yusuf nods his head while studying each and her every move. He divert his eyes to another direction for a mili seconds then turn it back to her and said. "That's nice am glad."

Huda also nod her head as the place suddenly turn awkward. "Goodnight." Yusuf said barely audible, if she wasn't standing so close she is sure she couldn't get what he said.

"Goodnight." She mumbles back with a nervous smile as she watch him slowly took another step then stride pass her without sparing her a single glance.

Huda tilt her head and follow him with eyes concerned. It is just her, or does he looks completely off as if something is wrong.

She watched until he disappear before she stride down and walk to the kitchen. Something feels off, is just that she can't pin point what is.


Yusuf sighed as he slumps on the couch without bordering to switch on the light. Relaxing back, he stretched his legs on the table and close his eyes enjoying the silence that came with the night.

He is supposed to be reading for his upcoming exams but the fact of the matter is, his mind is in shambles and he knew even if he where to pick the book he wouldn't be able to understand a thing just like how he wasted half of today.

This is the second time he is questioning his decision regarding Huda. Being with Anwar feels natural to him but he can't help when everyone ask "Who is he?.

And his doubt today only increases. It wasn't his intension, but things happened and it happened just naturally.

Anwar kept on calling him Uncle Yusuf is kind of awkward to him for quite sometimes now but today it was just so embracing after he introduce Anwar to all his colleagues as his son although half of them, if not all already knew how Anwar is his son, but as they went around Anwar kept on calling him Uncle Yusuf which earn him quick glance from the people around.

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