Chapter Fourty Six

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Looking behind her back, Suhaila gently turn the key that was fixed on the door. Thanking God that she took her time to study the parlor when they brought her there.

She slowly open the door and was welcome by the heavy rain that kept pouring. She step outside with Huda beside her.

Pressing the first car key, the only Jeep amongst the 4 cars blinks which made her to drop the rest as she and Huda look up for the first time hopeful.

Both girls nod their heads before they run inside the rain cause the car wasn't parked at the pouch.

Huda took the driver seat after she made sure the bedsheet is secured around her chest.

Pushing her disorganized hair to the back, she press the on botton of the car.

"Huudaa..." Suhaila's frighten voice called at the same time the engine roars to life.

Huda look at her but her eyes was somewhere else as Suhaila points at something towards the entrance, and as if on cue the lightening flashes making Huda caught the glimpse of two figures standing.

Huda gasps shockingly, turning on their light to full light wanting to recognized even one of them which made them both to quickly turn their head, hiding from her.

Huda use that opportunity to press the accelerator and reverse the car not caring that one of their abductor was behind it.

She press the pedal and stopped when she felt the car hit something but only for her to continue reversing until she face the gate and not giving it a second thought, she increase her speed and went through it.

Is a Jeep, A grand wagoneer at that, so for all she know, the worst that could happened was for their gate to fall down.

She went back as the watch through her rear mirror. They are still standing by the balcony but this time they seems to be shouting at each other, facing the gate as she speed, she hit it hard for the second time, then went for the third and fourth and before you know it, it came crashing on the ground and luckily for them it didn't crash to their side, rather outside.

Huda speed up leaving the premise and that moment she couldn't be more grateful for all the years she took wrecking her cars in drift.

It reach to a point where both Mummy and Daddy stop listening to her flimsy excuse of what happened with her car.

Huda keep speeding up entering one allay to another not having a slightest clue of where to go.

"Do you even know where we're going." Suhaila asked seeing that they are back at the same street for the third time.

"I have no ide..." The sudden impact they felt from behind was what cut Huda off as they both hit their heads on the dash board.

Before they get to react, another one came which made them both to snap their head behind and since the rain has almost stopped, it wasn't hard to spot the car behind even though they had full light on to blind them from seeing them.

Huda scoffed unbelievable. "Is their end goal killing us or what." She snap her eyes still at them with her hand on the gear.

"Just drive." Suhaila mumbles making sure that the car is locked as she wiped a single tear that came down her face.

Huda took her time driving away then press the reverse and speed backward which earn her a scream from Suhaila as she bend her head with her hands around her ears.

She made sure she hit their bonnet hard and since they are in a small car, it was easy. Then she speed up, still entering from allay to allay until she saw what seems like the main road and when she follows it, it luckily took her directly to the main road.

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