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Translations of Russian will be in parentheses under the text, enjoy reading!

As I walked to my dressing room backstage I locked the door behind me and closed my curtains before taking off my mask.

My phone began buzzing and looking down at it splayed across the screen was Mama.

Quickly picking up the phone and accepting the call I pressed it to my ear.

"Hello mama." I said as I placed my phone between my ear and shoulder as I began taking off my leather gloves.

"Я только что видел твой матч с блондинкой и женщиной в коже." My mama said as I heard the cheering of the crowd from her end fading.
(I just saw your match with the blonde lady and woman with the leather.)

"Да, но не волнуйся, мама, они не причинили мне вреда, я все еще готов к матчу сегодня вечером." I replied assuringly as I knew that my mother was going to ask anyway.
(Yes, but don't worry mama they didnt hurt me, i'm still ready for my match later tonight.)

"Не позволяйте этим двоим повлиять на ваше сегодняшнее выступление, вы это заслужили, и вы работали на грязных улицах Чернобыля ради этой возможности." Mama said, flashbacks of my older life in Ukraine making their way through my mind but I quickly disregarded the thoughts.
(Don't let these two influence your performance today, you deserve it and you worked the dirty streets of Ukraine for this opportunity.

"Да, мама, мы оба невероятно усердно работали, чтобы достичь этого, и я не позволю им вести себя так, как будто я просто еще одна женщина." I said setting my phone down on the table, looking at my hair which was not slightly messed up.
(Yes mama, both of us worked incredibly hard to get to this point, and I won't let them act like I'm just another woman.)

"Сохраняйте этот менталитет живым, иначе они воспользуются вами." Mama said, this was true, in this industry you couldn't trust anyone.
(Keep that mentality alive or they're going to take advantage of you.)

"Я знаю, мама, не волнуйся, я не позволю никому залезть мне в голову или напортачить." I said as I took my hair down, beginning to brush through it.
(I'm aware mama, don't worry yourself I'm not going to let anyone get inside my head or mess this up.)

"Хорошо, и если кто-то из этих двух женщин с сегодняшней ночи заигрывает с тобой, устрой им драку, которую они запомнят даже после смерти." Mama said and I nodded not that she could see.
(Good, and if either of those two women from tonight mess with you, give them a fight they'll remember even in death.)

"После сегодняшнего вечера Шарлотта захочет матч-реванш, чтобы продемонстрировать силу, она поставит на карту свой титул, а я стану новой чемпионкой RAW среди женщин." I said, beginning to braid my hair as I set my hairbrush onto my vanity.
(After tonight Charlotte will want a rematch, as a display of strength she'll put her title on the line and I'll become the new RAW womens champion.)

"Это моя девочка, всегда на два шага впереди врага." Mama said making me smile slightly, I'd always been taught to calculate and plan. Applying it here paid off, and in this industry you can't afford mistakes.
(That's my girl, always two steps ahead of the enemy.)

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