2. Unfortunate Accident

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The words caused a whirlpool of fury to rise within Jimin. Hoseok was right, instead of harboring empathy for mentioning his break-up, he was being made fun of. Is he always this blunt?

"Can you train me, please?" Jimin sliced the thick air with his direct request.

"I can..." Jungkook noted, moving around to get back to his chair again. "But I won't."

This made the bronde inhale a long shuddering breath, holding it in and closing his eyes while his phalanges turned shut.

"Let's go, Jimin-ah."

Hoseok's voice made Jimin open his eyes again. Many thoughts were suspended in the air, all he had to do was pick one after wrapping it in words and throw it at the rowdy man in front of him, already feeling the sting of the tears that he fought back. But he decided to listen to his friend and nodded, letting Hoseok stand guard in front of him.

They were walking back when Jimin's brows drew together and he heard the haughty man's voice. "Mr. Jung, congratulations on your wedding."

Hoseok turned back to spot Jungkook standing by his chair. Before he could form words, Jimin decided to saunter back to face the pretentious coach. "You knew about Hoseok Hyung's wedding?"

"He did invite me. Was I supposed to not know?" Jungkook deadpanned slowly, looking between Hoseok and Jimin who stood way too close to him for his comfort.

Jimin scoffed, taking a glance at Hoseok who wanted nothing more than to get out of there. "So you knew that Hoseok Hyung got married yesterday, and if you knew it, now you can see with those round, owl eyes of yours that he is here in front of you, 400 miles away from home, with me, leaving his newly wedded wife back at home." Jimin punctuated, wanting to drill the words in Jungkook's supposedly dense mind.

An understanding passed over Jungkook's face as he looked down a bit, gnawing at his lower lips with a mix of fascination and respect on his face. "As you so graciously mentioned, Mr. Park. My owl eyes can perfectly see you here with Hoseok."

"Don't you think that the reason why Hoseok Hyung isn't with his wife could be something alarming?" Jimin asked fiercely, wanting to step closer and corner the man to punch him senselessly.

"Let me guess," Jungkook's face now wiggled into a faux relief as he stepped away from Jimin. "He is babysitting you because you...threatened to harm yourself, which I am assuming you did before too?" The gaze that padded to Jimin now was marred with judgment and the words were so careless as though Jungkook didn't care if someone died, as if it was coffee talk between two strangers.

Jimin couldn't understand how could one be so supercilious to not care about people other than himself, and so he charged at the man, causing the taller's eyes to go wide in surprise as he stepped away to guard himself against the scathing attack. Hoseok was petrified for a moment before his reflex kicked back into his body and he ran to hold Jimin back. In a normal scenario, Jimin would never opt for violence, but in a scenario when he was dumped after ten years of being in a relationship and a stranger had nothing but disdain for him, rightfully begged more for the occasion. So when Jungkook stepped out of the way, his empty and forceful punch lurched him ahead, tangling his feet into a heavy dumbbell bar placed behind the chair.

A shriek left Jimin as his feet kicked onto the hundreds of kilos weight and he dropped onto the carpeted floor, holding his leg while Jungkook only gulped and realized that there had been an accident in his center after going two years without any injury to any client. Not only it would bring a certain backlash to Mikrokosmos, but also to him.

"Mr. Park, are you alright?" Jungkook knelt in front of the man who was in tears as Hoseok tried to hold his leg down.

"Can I please see?" Jungkook cautiously stepped closer, waiting for verbal consent from the man to touch him, but knowing how Jimin was whimpering in pain, he knew it wouldn't come.

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