5. Mr. Park, Ten More Reps

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Jungkook looked at Jimin walking towards him on his own feet. It had been six weeks since he was living with him and now, well he was healed now and Taehyung was helping him move out of the place. "Thank you so much for being so patient and a wholehearted host. I'll never forget your kindness."

Jungkook was wearing his trainers' clothes, yellow and black faux leather with Nike dunks. Inwardly, he didn't want Jimin to move out, but he knew he had no reason to oppose — not what would convince Jimin anyway. "It's fine...given you blame me for breaking your toe."

The two laughed, Jimin before Jungkook and the latter only kept seeing the eyes that lit up so brightly and the cheeks that stretched, displaying pearly whites. Jimin had one tooth slightly crooked, but Jungkook found perfection in it. His heart told him to not let the moment slip away and to do something, but he wouldn't dare. Over the weeks, he found out Jimin's thoughts about homosexual relationships, and they were not in his favor. For all he knew, it would only make the bronde uncomfortable.

"Well," Jimin sighed, clapping his hands together. "I guess I will see you around."

Nodding, Jungkook stepped closer to Jimin, causing the latter to look as he bent down to hold his bag. "Oh, Jungkook, you don't have to do that."

Choosing not to listen, Jungkook walked out and put Jimin's bag in Taehyung's car which was waiting outside. He felt jealous of Taehyung for good measure, already imagining them having a first fun-filled day in Jimin's new place. At least, the man would come to be trained under him. He could keep seeing Jimin that way.


Mikrokosmos was its usual. The music was blaring and the desirable people were working out to become more desirable. Jimin peeked from behind the glass gate at around five in the evening, seeing Jungkook yelling at someone, his hair drenched in sweat as he showed the lady to do half crunches while holding the position. Within a few seconds, he was inside the premises as he now had card access. Jungkook turned around, and their eyes met, Jimin smiled, but Jungkook only nodded at him.

It felt bizarre to Jimin that the man acted so wryly, but then he thought that Jungkook exhibited extreme professionalism. He always gave results and the bronde remembered how he was when he first talked to him. It bothered him, but he told himself that it was okay and he didn't have to act like Jungkook was his friend inside Mikrokosmos. "Ready, Mr. Park?"

It was now that Jimin's face distorted. Calling him by his surname was uncalled for. "Mm, yes, Mr... Jeon."

Jungkook's eyes weren't on Jimin as he led him toward the stretching zone. "How is your toe now? Is there any difficulty you are facing still?"


"Good, let me know the moment you do. I need to know everything so that we can stop the training or alter it based on your condition," Jungkook responded indifferently, yet his voice was full of concern. Jimin was getting used to this side of Jungkook, but he knew it might take him a while before he separated his two lives — one inside the training center and one outside where Jungkook was a much warmer person.

"Look straight and follow me. If you have questions, fire away."

Jimin nodded at Jungkook in the mirror, looking at his hand going to his shoulder while he rotated it in a clockwise motion, indicating Jimin to follow. The bronde heeded quickly. From arms to legs, they kept stretching for a good amount of time. Jimin was getting bored, thinking about when would the "actual" workout start. Jungkook walked over to the mat storage and picked one. Jimin kept looking until he pointed at him to go and grab one for himself.

"Of course," Jimin rushed towards the corner and brought one back too. What he didn't realize was that everyone at the place was gawking at them, some even whispering. As the two got down on their respective mats, Jungkook asked Jimin to breathe slowly and relax while folding his left leg and stretching the right one out. The bronde did and looked at Jungkook bending forward to hold his toe with his left arm. He did the same and when it was the turn for the other foot, his eyes fell on the women staring right at him. It bugged him, so he looked away.

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