〆 The 'Ideal' Body Type

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● A body type is the shape of one's body that is determined by GENETICS. Although it's true that you can change it through surgery, doing specific exercises and such probably won't affect you unless it's in tune with your body type.
As for what that body type may be, there are mainly three categories, although subcategories exist too. These three are Endomorphs, Ectomorphs, and Mesomorphs. Endos are those who have a round body and are often chubby. Ectos are people with pencil-like figures, or people who are usually seen as skinny. Mesos, which are the current trend in terms of body type, are those with a curvaceous figure, and could be referred to as slim-thick if they are thin.

 Mesos, which are the current trend in terms of body type, are those with a curvaceous figure, and could be referred to as slim-thick if they are thin

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● The current trend is called 'slim-thick', which means you have a slim body and large butt, and sometimes breasts. This current trend makes people with a Mesomorph body type the ideal type. Aside from the 1980s, which had thin but visually athletic bodies as a trend, and the 1950s, which had a similar body type trend as today, the trend for the 1900s was mainly about people of thin stature, especially the 1990s, which valued people who were so thin that their bones could be seen. This means, during that time, people like Ectomorphs would have been the ideal type.
That's the thing. These are just trends. The moment the slim-thick trend ends, the people who got surgery that could potentially harm their life for the sake of having a skinny but curvaceous figure would have wasted their time and money. The same thing applies to those back in the 1900s who went through hell just to achieve a skinny body that would be seen as ugly a few decades so later.



● Okay. What have we learned? There are generally three body types (Endos, Mesos, and Ectos), and you are either one or a subcategory of two. Trends may exist during your lifetime, but they will eventually die out. But the things you did to your body, such as going through dangerous diets and using surgery to get the shape you desired, aren't going to die out easily, or they'll be permanent. When it comes to your body, instead of trying to fit social norms that will come and go with time, you should focus on keeping yourself healthy instead, physically and mentally. In other words, don't listen to and try not to follow trends like these. They will not benefit you much. 


Provided by our Ace VocaloidExpert.

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