〆 Aave

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Aave has ties back to slavery and beyond and is deeply rooted into black culture, even though many people associate some aave terms as "new, Genz terms"

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Aave has ties back to slavery and beyond and is deeply rooted into black culture, even though many people associate some aave terms as "new, Genz terms".


○ Here are some important terms regarding aave:-

● Blaccent :: A manner of speaking based on stereotypes of the way black people speak.

● Code-switching :: The practice of alternating between two or more languages or varieties of language in conversation.

● Microaggression :: A statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority.


○ Criticism that black people face:-

● Black people often feel as if or are told they can't use aave in certain settings to avoid being ridiculed (code-switching). However, when non-black especially white people use aave terms they are seen as trendy and funny.

● Most of the time when non-black people use aave they do so for comedic effect, and also incorrectly. Non-black people often take from black culture to seem trendy or funny and profit off of it but don't deal with the struggles that come with being black and black culture.

● Referring to aave as stan language, gay/LGBT slang or gen-z slang is also erasing the entire history of the dialect. A lot of these words are not new, you are just now discovering them.


○ Can you use aave?

● Are you white or a non-black POC?
If not, you should not use aave. at all.


○ Why can't you use it?

• Using aave or a blaccent when speaking to black people, especially when you don't speak that way any other time is also microaggressive. If a black person calls you out on aave and asks you to stop using it, then stop! It is also microaggressive to tell black people that they are gatekeeping a language or to dismiss their feelings of your use of aave.

• Telling black people to speak correctly or making jokes based on one's use of aave is also microaggressive. Stop doing it. Right now.

• Aave is more than just saying a couple of words, it is a dialect, with its own structure and many other issues come along with it, for example, how you pronounce the words or using a blaccent.


○ More info-

● This is something you need to examine past saying a couple of words every couple of months. Why you use aave, who you use it around, the way you speak about it etc.

● This is why you need to do your research. So please start doing your own research on black issues instead of100% relying on black people to tell you. There are plenty of sources just on social media as we've been saying a lot of this stuff for a while

● Taking small aave terms and phrases out of your vocabulary is a start but it is not the solution.


○ List:-

1. Chile
2. Asf
3. Period/Purr
4. Bae
5. Boo
6. Sus
7. Simp
8. Hella
9. Tea (as in, spill the tea)
10. been (as in, I been knew. . .)
11. Habitual be (as in, they be like. . .)
12. Deadass
13. Headass
14. Tho/Doe
15. Read (someone)


Provided by our Ace UrLocalFangirl.

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