Chapter 4

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(A/n: Imma finish chapter 5 before returning to the "Coincidental Kaslana" While my brain is still working and there's a lot of them now before my braincell go to war and left with two)

Schicksal HQ, Overseer Office

Otto: You setted an anti-Honkai-detector on your each base... I mean surely the last time we checked on Yae Village is completely deteriorated by nature

Adam: As I've said only those who gain access can only enter the new Village... still it's an empty village though

Otto: You're playing hard... the new host wasn't there either

Adam: I've sent him to a mission according to original me... Don't ask me why but it's important one

Otto: Important... where?

Adam: Na-ah... I can't tell you the details. You find him yourself... Also the Yamato

Otto: What about it?

Adam: I just want to know how is it doing?

Otto: As I've said it's sitting in here the HQ. There's nothing to be worried about... Except your unpredictable plan... I mean, I've sent more guards there even the 3rd and 4th best Valkyrie of Schicksal, Your plan is to take the successor her and snatch the sword... This is all your plan

Adam: I'm just trying to help him

Otto: ...

Adam: Also can you be a dear and put him to St Freya?

Otto: There's male schicksal knight academy why there? Actually there's Saint George Academy founded by Theresa

Adam: I don't know I just feel like it

Otto: You're demanding too much

Adam: Aww you're no fun

Otto: To think that a 500 year old man is actually have pretty child-like manner... You're embarrassing me but fine... After St Freya is the most prestigious and successful on training Valkyries... I don't know if they accept knights there although I'm planning to send one or maybe two

Otto then open a hologram with the and the visuals were 2 boys with special abilities

Adam took interest

Otto: Both of the two have natural stigmata... Gepard and Danheng... both of has a powerful natural stigmata... These two are best candidate next to your host..

Adam: Gepard, isn't he the captain of Squad Silvermane?

Otto: You recognize him.. eh?

Adam: Yes and both of the two are adored by women and men are equivalent to an A-rank valkyrie which is S-rank for knights. Danheng a well preserved kid, his coolness keep women attracted, and Gepard is the great captain, it's the same as Durandal

Otto: So you read my files?

Adam: Not only read but also analyzed. I still have the knowledge of a captain y'know


Siberia, Cocolia's Orphanage

Cocolia was guiding Akira to his room

Cocolia: Here... I'll drop you here since everyone is sleeping

Akira: Yes... Thank you so much Matushka... I'll do anything to repay you

Akira bowed and raised his posture again

Cocolia: ...'It's tempting to accept it... I mean how was he alive?... Stigmata? Natural Stigmata? I should add him to the list' Sure... I'll call when I need something

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