The Revival of Team Pip and Ravi

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Pip opened the gate and walked up the pathway. She hesitated before knocking on the front door. She could hear her heart beating in her ears. Ravi's mother opened the door. "Pip! How lovely to see you!" She pulled her into a hug. Ravi instantly raced out of his room and down the stairs. His mother moved just in time as he hugged Pip so tight she almost fell over. Instead he lifted her up and twirled her round in circles. She laughed and he laughed with her. He put her down eventually and kissed her. It was the most passionate kiss he had ever given her. She looked up at him. He looked exactly the same. Just the way Pip liked it. Their hands found their way towards eachother and they smiled as their fingers intertwined, slotting in perfectly. "Welcome home Pip."


She had been there for about two hours, listening to Ravi talk about law school and updating her on everything going on in his life. Pip listened to every word. She missed this. Cuddling with him on one of their beds, Ravi playing with her hair as they had a conversation about whatever wacky things they would speak about. She missed this so much and she wouldn't have to anymore. She was safe. She was free. She could be with Ravi for the rest of her life. Apart from being at college of course.



"What do you want to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Now you're back at Little Kilton, what do you want to do?"

"I'm quite happy here, you know. Not worrying about anything." She said, snuggling up to him.

"I know. It's just, there are so many people you need to see again. Some, maybe not. But most people you need to! They miss you."

"Like Connor, Jamie, Nat? Those guys? And Cara and Naomi of course."


"We can do that tomorrow. For now I just want to lie here with you." Pip said, closing her eyes.

"Err, are you going to sleep?"

"No? Why, is it a problem?"

"Oh no, it's just I wanted to maybe spend the night at yours. I haven't seen your family since you left. And I want to spend the night with you but you will probably want to sleep in your bed. I mean, I understand if you don't want me too, that's fine. Don't feel pressured into saying yes."

"Of course. Oh, you do make me laugh Ravi."

Ravi rolled his eyes playfully and got up. He packed a bag and they were off back to Pip's house.

When they got there, they walked into Pip's room, exactly how she left it. It made her feel warm inside. The saftey of her room was back. Before she left to go to Cambridge, she had gotten rid of her bluetooth speakers and printer. She only had devices like that with wires now, it felt weird with a new printer and speaker, but it felt safer. She smiled at Ravi and together they unpacked her suitcase. When done, Pip put her hands on her hips and Ravi high-fived her. She laughed and fell onto her bed. The familiar feeling of comfort made her feel tingly. She was home. No one could harm her here. No more gun shots at every single sound, being alone and isolated for two years seemed to have cured that. She felt like the universe was rewarding her. She didn't know why it would, but it is. And she was so grateful. But most of all, she was grateful for Ravi.

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