Trouble maker

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Toga's POV

I stared at the corpse in front of me, slightly out of breath. I pulled the knife in my hand up, licking some of the blood off of it. It tasted wildly different from Uraraka's blood. Her's tasted sweet, almost like a marshmallow, with a slight hint of the metallic taste. This blood tasted like copper and dirt. I hadn't had a taste of blood in days, and despite the horrible flavour, this had somewhat satisfied the craving. I wiped the remaining blood on the dead officer's clothes and backed further into the ally. I turned around and began running, not really knowing where I would go.

Uraraka's POV

No one had answered the call. I put my phone on my bed and laid down, contemplating what to do. I don't know how long it had been until loud banging was heard against my door. I stood up, trotted over and opened the door, finding Mr. Aizawa stood with an unusually angry look on his face. "Where is she?" He walked into the room and began searching any place a person could hide. "What do you mean? Oh! You mean Toga? She's not in here, she left," I told him, trying not to get Toga or me in trouble. It was the truth so I wasn't lying to him. Mr. Aizawa turned to me and looked me dead in the eye, I assume he was trying to see if I was telling the truth. His face returned to his usual tiered look and he walked out of the door, leaving me be. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and returned to my bed. Keeping this friendship up was going to be rough if this was how it was going to be.

Toga's POV

I rested against the nearest building, sitting down to take a break. I pulled out my phone, seeing a missed call from a random number. I assumed it was Uraraka, so I called it back and waited for her answer. She picked up after a few rings. "Hello?" It was definitely her. "Hi Uraraka. You're not having any trouble are you? Are they after you because of me?" "Oh! Hi Toga, I'm alright but Mr. Aizawa came in trying to find you. I told him you left," She explained in a hushed voice. "Alright, as long as you're okay. Why are you being so quiet?" "Well I can't exactly openly talk to a known villain that their current searching for you big goof," she said sarcastically. "Eh, I guess you're right," I mumbled. Suddenly, a loud police siren wailed nearby. I wasn't bothered but Uraraka began panicking. "Are those police sirens? What are they doing? Who are they after? What's going on? Are they after you again? What did you do?" She kept rambling about the sirens while I was sat waiting for it to either pass or come closer. "Uraraka, they aren't after me, they're passing by. I don't know what happened," I told her in an attempt to stop her. I knew full well what had happened. They had found the body. "Are you sure they're passing?" I sighed and replied, "Yes, when they are getting quieter, they are going away. You know what, I'm just gonna go, alright?" I didn't wait for her answer and hung up, immediately getting up and running in the opposite direction of the sirens, that were, in fact, getting closer rather then further.

Uraraka's POV

Toga had hung up the phone. I groaned to myself and put my phone down on the bed. "Damn it Toga. Please don't get hurt," I mumbled to myself, hoping that she was telling me the truth. I noticed dusk was falling quicker then I had realised, so I changed into some PJs and threw myself back onto my bed. I wasn't able to sleep for another few hours, worrying for Toga's safety.

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