Mental Asylum

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Toga's POV

After a very brief interrogation that consisted of 'did you do it?' 'No' 'say you did it' 'what?' 'Go to the insane asylum', I ended up (surprise surprise) in the insane asylum. "Why am I here again?" "You killed people and laid someone's organs out next to them like it was a piece of art. Now shut the hell up before we make you," one of the guards answered. "Right, right. But I didn't do that? I simply killed him out of self defence. That's not my fault," I said, still not fully understanding. "Well I highly doubt you didn't chose to lay out his organs like they had been laid out for examination, now shut up. One more time and I'm coming in there," he barked. "Riiiiiiiiigggght, yeeeeaaaaah. But that doesn't make me insane does it?" "Oh my god shut up," he groaned. "Okay okay, shutting up. But uhm. How does self defence make me a killer?" "FOR THE LOVE OF- SHUT YA MOUTH WILL YA?" "Yep, yep, shutting mouth." I stayed quiet for about a minute before asking,"So, when do I get to leave?" "Oh my god. Alright you intolerable brat, I'm coming in there to shut you up myself," he snapped. I learnt not to annoy him after that. I continued like this for a while, until I eventually beginning to worsen. "Hey guard guy? You better let me out or Imma rip-" "yeah yeah you're gonna rip my spine out and shove it down my throat until it comes out of my ass, I know, now shut up." "Uh no actually. I was gonna say-" "I don't care what you were gonna say, shut your fucking mouth." I gave up, not wanting to get myself hurt. Every single day here was the same. Bother the guard, eat, walk in a circle, meds, sleep. Bother the guard, eat, walk in a circle, meds, sleep. Bother the guard, eat, pace around the door, meds, sleep. Threaten the guard, eat, pace the door, meds, sleep. Threaten the guard, refuse to eat, pace the door, meds, sleep. Threaten the guard, meds, refuse to eat, try to break the door, meds, sleep. Threaten the guard, meds, refuse to eat, try to break the door, meds, don't sleep. I swear this place was driving me insane, if not more then I already was. It ended up getting to the point where I'd sit pacing the door, beating against it and threatening the guard, refusing to eat, sleep or drink, including any meds I was given. Whenever they'd come in to 'shut me up', I'd either stay as far away as humanly possible or attempt to bite, scratch, punch and kick them. One of the guards was stood directly in front of me, who was sat on the padded floor, with a tray of food, water and some meds. "246, it's been 2 days, if you don't at least drink the water then you'll die," he tried to reason. "Mhm, yeah, I'm hearing you. But, uh, what if that's the point," I answered. "Wha- don't you have a family?" "Nope. I ran away from home and my other 'family' left me for dead. And was killed. By the leader of the group. Who I killed also," I answered, rambling on for longer then I intended to. "Oh. Well do you at least have a partner? A pet? Anything?" "Nope. My girlfriend/was-soon-to-be-wife was killed by the guy I killed, the only thing remotely close to a pet I've had was two sparrows I killed and I don't have a house or anything, that all belonged to my girlfriend," I answered honestly, since I had nothing to lose. "Oh...well, I can't really convince you can I? How do you know your girlfriend died?" "She got really mangled and taken away by an ambulance, but I haven't heard from her and never saw her breathing. Just wish I could'a proposed to her," I replied, mumbling the last part. "Well you said that she was put in an ambulance, no? She could very well be alive. Who was she?" I thought about the possibility of Ochako being alive. There was no way, she wasn't breathing. She's dead. "She was a hero. Ochako Uraraka. Uravity, as she's better known as. She was amazing," I answered, smiling at the thought of her. "So, pro hero Uravity? Hasn't she had her arm ripped off, then proceed to absolutely power through a fight with that villain Shigaraki?" "Yeah, she did, only after I took his arm though." "Well I'm sure she could power through a little mauling, especially if she was taken care of by professionals," he smiled. "Hm, maybe. I don't know why I'm talking to you, you probably just want me to drink the stupid water," I laughed to myself. I grabbed the glass of water, downing the whole glass. "There, I drank your stupid water, now leave me alone," I sighed, letting him take the food and like 5 different bottles of pills. I'm pretty sure they were meant to be taken at different times because I'm sure they would've killed me if I took all of them together. Not a bad plan to be honest. Goodness I hate my own mind.

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