Not safe yet

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Toga's POV

Me and Neo had relaxed a bit. I was sat on the back of the chair, while she still sat in the corner. Soon, her phone rang again. She answered, saying hello and discussing the same thing she had last time, except this time she requested that they meet in 5 minutes. I assumed that it was because the others would be roughly 5 minutes away as well. "More 'guests' coming over. Both groups will be here in around 5 minutes. This one sounded a lot nicer too," she told me, hanging up the phone.

Uraraka's POV

"Okay, we've gotta be at ************* in 5 minutes to get her. Just gotta hope no one's already called," I informed Deku, looking around to figure out where we were in order to get some sense of direction. "Alright, we should probably go scout for the street. C'mon," he answered, leaping up to the tallest building, with me following after him.

??? POV

We'd been on our way for about 3-5 minutes and certain members of our group were beginning to ask questions. "Why are we even going for her? I thought you didn't need her anymore." This small statement began to stir an argument. "She's a good member of our ranks and you know it. We made a mistake letting her go." "I agree! She's the best of us! No she's not, she's utterly useless," one had began arguing with himself. "I too am in agreement. She is very valuable and a good asset." The bickering continued until I began to get annoyed. "Hey! Shut up. We let her go, we're bringing her back. That's all you need to know," I shouted, ending the argument. We walked in silence until we arrived. I knocked on the door, seeing it open to reveal a woman that looked only a few years older then Toga. "Hey," she muttered, seemingly very tired. "Hi. I believe you know what we're here for?" She leant out of the door, looking around for a second before shrugging and bringing us inside. "Little warning before you enter, I'm not sure if she bites. Be careful," she warned, stopping in front of a door at the end of a hallway.

Toga's POV

Neo had left after someone knocked on the door. I was still sat on the back of the chair, now kicking my legs, half in boredom and half in anxiety. My attention was brought away by footsteps near the door, seemingly in a big group. It was roughly a group of 6 or 7. I heard Neo's voice behind the door before she came back in. "So our guests have arrived. Please don't bite, I need the money. Okay, that's all, be nice for the love of god please." She opened the door again, letting the group in. As soon as I saw the faces of the group, I froze. What I was hoping to be Uraraka coming to get me out of here was instead Shiggy, Dabi, Twice, Spinner, Magne and Kurogiri. Most of the group was fine, but the person who frightened me most was Shiggy. My mind couldn't fully erase the memory of what he did to me. My hand had instinctively covered my neck, protecting me from his wrath. "Hey Toga," he greeted, a menacing smile forming on his face. "H-wha-wh-no. N-no. No," I mumbled, practically jumping backwards off of the chair, backing away until my back was pressed against the back wall.

Uraraka's POV

We found where we were meant to be after a few minutes, slightly overstepping the time we were asked to arrive. I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. The door opened to a young woman who seemed to have only just fully woken up,"Hi!" "Hello. I think you know why we're here. We spoke to you on the phone a few minutes ago," I mumbled, regretting not making Deku open the door. "Yeah. You're the ones who know her right? Come inside! There's a group already there, hope you don't mind," she smiled, moving to let us in. Her house was seemingly normal. Nothing seemed like it would belong to someone who could kidnap Toga. "So, I know this may sound weird but since she knows you, she isn't gonna bite right? I'm just curious," she asked, leading me and Deku to the end of a hallway. "Uh no she doesn't normally bite unless she's in danger, doesn't like the person she's biting or it's just soft bites that don't break skin. So basically any dangerous bites come from dangerous situations," I answered. She nodded, opening the door behind her. Even the woman looked surprised to see Toga cowering at the back wall with Shigaraki (and a small portion of the rest of the league) stood at the opposite end of the room, smiling evilly. The woman trotted into the room, "Hey hey hey, what's going on? Sparrow, are you okay? Your friends are here." I looked back to Deku, who also seemed to be questioning every part of this situation. She had called Toga Sparrow, she seemed to care about her and the fact that the league was here was confusing in its self.

Toga's POV

I was snapped out of my panic by Neo padding up to me. She said my friends were here. I looked back to the door, seeing Uraraka and Deku stood there, both seeming as confused as each other. I bolted up to her, dragging her into a hug. "Wha-," was all she managed to mutter. I assume she missed me because she hugged me back so tight that I felt as if I would break a rib. "M'kay, I hate to break the cute little reunion moment, but I want money. Whoever pays up takes her," Neo said, once again acting as if I was some kind of animal. I looked up at Uraraka. "You know you can't pay that right? There's no way anyone could, or would want to, pay for that," I whispered, knowing if Neo heard me, I would be handed over to the league. "Uhm. Yeah, we were kinda hoping we could just fight our way out of here but I don't think we could beat the league alone, even without you on their team," she mumbled. I let her out of the hug, trying to think of a plan. Shigaraki snicker slightly. "We have the money. If those little teens don't pay, we'll be taking what's ours," he smiled. I moved behind Uraraka, as if I couldn't be seen. "Do you have the money then?" Neo seemed slightly sympathetic. "Uhh, not exactly," Uraraka laughed nervously. "M'kay. So, show me the money and she's going with you," Neo turned to Shiggy. He pulled out a large stack of money. I whimpered slightly as Neo grabbed it from him, counting it out. "Okie dokie. Sparrow, please cooperate. Come here. Please? I need the money," Neo asked. I didn't move from where I was. "Sparrow, c'mon," she mumbled, growling slightly in her words. I slunk out from behind the slightly shorter girl, moving towards Neo. "M'kay so you're staying with them, I have money and I'm sorry," she pointed to each group. As soon as I got close enough, Shiggy grabbed my wrist and dragged me closer to him, keeping a single finger lifted, earning a slight whimper from me. "Thanks, I believe we'll be on our way now," he smiled, a deep purple portal appearing behind the group. "Well yeah, sure. Thanks for the money, see ya later," Neo waved at us, members of our group backing into the portal. Shiggy smiled grimly at me, dragging me back into the swirling purple. I fell backwards onto the cold floor. "Alright you, new ground rules. You're sleeping on that sofa so we can keep a closer eye on you, everyone has permission from our boss to attack you if you cause problems and you don't leave unless we're with you and you have permission," Shiggy growled. I nodded, fearing what would happen otherwise. He smiled, walking to the bar and sitting down. "Kuro! Whiskey!" He called. I sat down on the sofa. No one spoke. This was possibly the worst outcome of my situation and it was all my fault. If I hadn't run away, none of this would have happened. There's no one to blame but me.

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