The sword part 6

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(Y/N) pov,

We returned from elberon and glimmer didn't listen we were order to retreat but she end up fighting the horde I take a shower feeling exhausted and hiding to 

glimmers room and glimmer was there hey did it go- she grounded me I am so mad at my mom I am going to write my feelings down okay I say giving her a warm smile and she returns it I pick up a book that was laying

 around on the floor and sit on the Bean sack I hear glimmer talking dear mom I know you're never going to read this but it feels like you somehow don't respect me I continue to read blocking out everything she was talking 

Bow pov, 

You see glimmer writing and (Y/N) reading I shoot my arrow with a message to look outside 

Glimmer pov, 

As I keep writing a arrow fly pass me and into the wall I gasp so does (Y/N) a arrow open to reveal a letter LOOK OUTSIDE watch it you nearly hit me hey glimmer bow what are you doing here I Whisper/yell  what come 

down here he say again (Y/N) Got up and come over she can't she's grounded what did you say  I'm grounded I repeat after what he cups his hands around his cheeks 

and yell   I slam my fist down on the window ceil and (Y/N) pound her head on it I'm I teleport to him scarring the hell out of him  grounded and then teleport him back in my room I'm so mad at my mom I say is this about the siege on elberon - yes I quickly cut him off

(Y/N) pov

" I block out there conversation, until there a knock on the door glimma are you in there is (Y/N) with you the queen called from outside the room uh glimmer teleport me and bow out of the room WAIT WHY ME! I 

"shout as me and bow land in some bushes ,ugh I groan and lean on a tree looking at bow who is tapping randomly on his tracker pad so he started I was telling glimmer there's this powerful first one tech in the 

"Whispering woods by the size of these Writing he say showing me his tracker pad if she get it and show the queen the queen  is bound to be impress, bow explains oh but glimmers grounded I say and sit on a log on the" 

ground we hear glimmer and angella arguing and then a door slam glimmer came teleporting back I'm in you glimmer say turning to me I'm in too I say getting up from the ground 

Time skip 

Adora pov 

"I see the sword I saw earlier I walk up to it can we just get this already I hear a female voice talk bow just lead the way another female voice say  two  people came through the bushes I gaps when me and the stunning (H/C)  hair woman made eye contact she also gasps' 

horde solider the woman next to her shout I see her the (h/c)  hair woman replie ahhh  the woman next to the  (h/c) hair woman screams and a brown skin male out of nowhere ahhh he also scream 

(Y/N) pov

 as bow and glimmer argue I made my way over to the bright light only to see a pretty looking blonde hair woman standing there I see her horde badge I gasp when we made I eye contact horde soldier glimmer yell I see her I yell back ahhh she and bow start screaming 

I see the Blondie look at the sword and start running towards it I run towards her glimmer teleport towards the sword the horde soldier look confused and scared of glimmer teleporting and give glimmer the time to get the sword bow catch she throw the sword towards bow bow actwardly drops his bow and Arrows and run but

 he got trap by a bola (or whatever that thing was) stay down I don't want to hurt you since when does the horde doesn't want to hurt people I yell at her I garb the sword and glimmer jump on her I run whit the sword to 

I NEVER THOUGHT I WILL SEE YOU Adora x  Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now