Flowers For She-ra _2

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*So this, book is based, mainly on the princesses and the rebellion And, Adora and (Y/N) so there well not, be much, about, the horde, okay lets being*

(Y/N) pov

"We arrive, at the entrance, to plumeria,"

"Bow, gaspe at, the, sight, we, see, childrens running and, playing, and laughter, could be, heard,"

"Wow, Mum, didn't say anything, about all the plants dying?,"

"Glimmer, stoop down, looking at the, plants, holding. Them, carefully, "

"I Don't, think, she knows, I tell glimmer, Bow nod,"

"Wait, where's Adora, bow, asks,"

We, hear, footsteps, behind, us,

"We, turn, around,

To see Above us

Adora as she-ra,

" Lifting, the, entire, cart,

What the, hell that's hot 

I say out loud,

Oh shit oh no no no no don't tell Me she-ra heard 

"Everyone, look at me, what, I'm right, glimmer Rise a brow, and, bow smirk, and Adora blush,"

Glimmer turn to Adora, 

"Are, you, gonna, be, She-ra, the, entire, time, we're, here, glimmer, asks

"I told, Queen, Angela, I would, besides, people, like, me, better as She-ra, she, States Cocky,

" Could, Adora, do this, she say, lifting, the, entire, cart, on, one, arm, up and down,

Wow oh my god, I shout, seeing how, strong, she, is

"Mmh yup, verrry useful, to our, mission, glimmer State,

It is I mumbled,

" Uh guys, what is, that? bow, interrupts, pointing, to a cloud, of smoke, "

"Must me coming from the, horde, camp, Adora say, seriously, now,"

" your, here, princess perfuma, Say, running, towards, us,"

"Princess perfuma, Commander, Glimmer, of- glimmer, hold out, her, hand, for a hand, shake, instead, a boutique, of flowers, appears in, glimmer, hands,

And, a flower, Crown, on me and, bow's head,

"Oh I get, a hat, bow say, happily, thanks, I thank perfuma, she nods, and smile,

" I pull aside for, her, to see, She-ra,

"Perfuma, gaspe, and, stars, appears, in her, eyes,"

"She's see's She-ra, standing, there glowing, and, the cart on one, hand,   She-ra, smile, and, a sparkle, appear at the, corner, of her, lip, and then, fades,


"Oh my- ah everyone, come quick, it's the, It's it's, It's ahh, she giggle, happily, running, towards, She-ra, the, villagers flowing, behind," Adora gets, nervous,

"Look, the, universe, has, heard, our, pleads and, send the, legendary, She-ra," to help us save our home,

"She-ra stars, to sweat, And, bow gives, her, a thumbs, up and, I smile, in couraging her,

"She, carefully, put, the, cart, down, Everyone looked, at, Her happily,"

"She, clears, her throat, we've heard, About the, blockade, and, We've, come, to help,"

I NEVER THOUGHT I WILL SEE YOU Adora x  Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now